Scanning SVP and Chronicle of Higher Ed, I have found eight postings that are current, three on the tenure-track. There were no appropriate Science, GSA, ASM, SICB or SSE jobs this week. OK, so for the third week running ESA has no jobs listed at all. Either it’s the wrong time of year for Ecology jobs, or the field is having trouble (I expect the former).
Oh, and the NCSE needs a new director: I see the ad everywhere, and while it’s not exactly an entry-level 4D Bio position, I like NCSE and I want to make sure the message gets out there.
Closes June 21:
Biology Lecturer (ecology), Gonzaga University
Closes June 29:
Fossil Preparator, Two-year position, Field Museum of Natural History.
- I’ve only seen this ad on the SVP website, and you have to be a member to access it, so no direct link, sorry.
Closes July 26:
Postdoctoral Research Assistant, 24 Months, University of Oxford
- Environmental Change in the Arabian Peninsula — sounds interesting!
Closes August 1:
Assistant, Associate or Full Professor (geobiology), Stanford University – School of Earth Sciences
- This is microbio heavy, but an appropriately-themed micropaleo person could fit.
No closing date:
Assistant Professor of Biology (evo-devo), Albright College
- A very molecular-heavy position, but I know many VPers who could teach SEM and TEM and evo-devo
Biological Sciences Instructor (anatomy-heavy), Arkansas State University – Mountain Home
Professor (desert ecosystems/terrestrial reptiles), Kuwait University
Lecturer-Non-Union – Biology, City Colleges of Chicago – Harold Washington College
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