A human-scaled GIS measuring and visualizing social interaction in Barcelona’s Superilles, Journal of Urbanism accepted publication, by Philip Speranza (SA+UD visuals)
“Atmosphere InFormed: Design Awareness of Small-scale Differences of Atmosphere in Architecture and Urban Design,” Proceedings of the Environmental Design Research Association Annual Meeting 2018, EDRA, June 6- 9, 2018, Oklahoma City: Oklahoma. Best Paper Award 2018. by Philip Speranza (2018)
New Ecological Interaction, 18th International Conference on Advanced Urban Designing and Transportation 2016, by Philip Speranza (ICAUDT Presentation)
“Social Interaction and Cohesion Tool: Integrating Socio-Computational Design in Urban Ecology for Barcelona’s Superilles,” ACSA Conference 2016, by Philip Speranza
- Not Unlike Life Itself by James Corner
- Field Conditions by Stan Allen
- The Art of the Long View By Peter Schwartz
- Between Diagrams and Matter by Alejandro Zaera-Polo
- Diagrams Matter, by Stan Allen
02 Readings, Urban Design
Ten Lessons on Barcelona_Ch 05, Manuel Sola-Morales
22@10 years, Manuel Bailo
Towards-a-self-sufficient-habitat, Vicente Guallart
. supplemental readings, urban design
- A Thousand Years of Non Linear History, Manuel DeLanda
- The Nature of Economies_Jacobs, J_Intro
- The Nature of Economies_Jacobs_7
- Los Angeles_The Architecture of Four Ecologies_Reyner Banham
03 Readings, Barcelona Urban Design and Sustainability
Data dimension: accessing urbandata and making it accessible (Carlo Ratti, MIT SENSEable Cities Lab),
Sustainable Urban Expansions: the Legacy of the Cerdà Plan by Salvador Rueda,
Cities from the Bottom Up: 22@ Planning, A System Attached to Change, by Philip Speranza
. supplemental Barcelona urban design readings
- Neighborhood garden in the eixample, S. Rueda
- Parametric Places 22@: Smart Urban Analysis Tools and Place Branding Value Sustainable Intelligent Materials conference, Lisbon, 2013 by Philip Speranza
- Cities from the Bottom Up_Speranza_ACSA 2012 by Philip Speranza
- Cities from the Bottom Up_Speranza_ACSA 2012 (presentation)
04 Readings, Phenomenology
Phenomenon of Place_Introduction
Phenomenon of Place by Christian Norberg-Schulz
Envelope, Pidgen Seven by Alejandro Zaera-Polo
The Difference is in the Detail by Vitello, Willcocks
. supplemental readings on phenomenology
- Towards New Horizons in Architecture by Tadao Ando by Tadao Ando …alt reading
- Geometry of Feeling_Introduction
- Geometry of Feeling by Juhani Pallasma
- Heidegger_Introduction
- Heidegger’s Thinking On Architecture by Christian Norberg-Schulz
. supplemental readings on Place Branding
- Place Branding_Editorial_Anholt
- A country-Spain_GIlmore
- Place Branding from the Bottom Up_Speranza Paper
05 Readings, Data and Politics
Data in cities counterpoint (politics)
“Open City” video, by Morozov