Assignment: Urban Analysis and Design Project, Due Thursday

Assignment: Urban Analysis and Design Project, Due Thursday

Please do the following work as a basis to begin your projects and so we can get into teams of two students on Thursday.

SPREAD I (11″ x 17″, landscape)

Page 1 (left page, 8.5″ x 8.5″) Title Page

  • Title: two words
  • Author
  • Icon/Image (later)

Page 2 (right page) INTRODUCTION: Purpose to Problem (thesis),

  • Title: two words
  • Purpose Sentences as typed Paragraph: What is the problem, how is it applied to Superillas and social interaction? Who is affect (be as specific as possible); Why is it important including social value ? (highlight key words)
  • From each Primary category  (Uses, Demographic and Infrastructure) choose a secondary category. Is each an urban quality or an urban phenomena (human or natural)?
  • Consider 1 indicator for each.
  • Choose 1-2 geometry inputs? (parcel area, height, sidewalk width, rail, bike, waterway) Hint: see OSM/ELK
  • Small thumbnail pictures and/or narrow texture of swatch of qualitative image/material perhaps hinting at final output.
    • graphic hints: set the tone for the unit and highlight color here




Page 3 (left page)  BACKGROUND: Context 

  • Outline: Purpose / Primary and Secondary categories (see chart) / Indicators (ways to measure)
  • Literature Review: Theory of Urban Analysis Tools and Urban Design related to thesis (citations/quotes from Readings or outside)
  • Research 22@ / Barcelona problems / Eugene : 1- 3 recent articles as quote or informational statistics (El Periodico, El Pais, other) (citations) + how it might be applied to Eugene.  (City of Barcelona is Ajuntament de Barcelona; Catalan Government is Generalitat).
  • UO Case Studies (optional), relevant with operations, workflow diagram, their purpose and plugins (citation as one image) Ex. Intergenerational Interaction PP 2014 or others
  • Comparative Statistics: Infographics begin here and continue to next page (example. vs national demographic or EUG/BCN)
    • graphic hints: set quantitative baseline big picture to small picture indicators to follow

Page 4  (right page) BACKGROUND: Quantitative and Qualitative Baseline (statistics and info-graphics)

  • Qualitative media: picture (zoomed in) of your urban design characteristics (criteria)
  • Abstract scientific data: measurement of basic relationships, statistics related to measure quality (ex. 6:1 water to urban farming recommendation). Abstract and Baseline models.
  • Policy Context: Catalan/Barcelona/ 22@ 10/10/10, BCNecologia_Presentacio Superilles,  Patrimonio (Generalitat/Ajuntament) vs comparative city such as Portland, Madrid, EU. Can you find relevant law or ordinances in Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain or the EU?
  • Timeline: Identify time relevance in periods (hours, day, week, year, years) Corner Collage / Minard
  • Audit: What GH plugins would be helpful (show their icon)?