I have really been interested in the topics we have recently started to cover like the differences in parenting between East Asia and the US, and also if speakers of different languages think differently. I remember that one slide said UO researchers do not believe in the universalist view of thought process, so I was wondering what research they have done to prove there are differences in thinking. I enjoyed reading about the differences in parenting between western and East Asian parents because I had never read about the differences between the two. American parents put an emphasis on treating others the way you want to be treated, independence, and sharing. This type of parenting sounds very similar to how I was raised. On the other hand, C/J/K parents put an emphasis on being in a group and knowing your place within the group, showing respect to elders, and reading the emotions of others. The one thing both parenting styles have in common is that children are socialized through language, to use language appropriately.
This class has not been too different from previous classes I’ve taken when it comes to studying. I pay attention and take notes during the lectures, complete the readings online and then take the quizzes. I also like the iClicker questions in class because it’s another way for me to track what I need to study. Overall I’ve really enjoyed this class even though it can be difficult at times. I never thought I would be taking a linguistics class, but I’m extremely glad I did. Thanks for a great term!