Throughout this term, the topics that were covered in this class allowed me to learn more about the East Asian language and culture. The main issue that intrigued me the most would be the topic of gendered differences. Before I took this class, I always thought that both genders would speak the same way in Asian cultures. But when I learned that they have gendered differences in their languages, it was a cultural shock to me because I have been taking Chinese for ten years and I never thought about the differences there were. An example would be when both genders would use different ways to say “I am” in Japanese.
Another issue that was interesting to me would be the Chinese parenting styles because I am raised by Chinese parents. I feel like Chinese parents today are becoming more lenient to their children. From my experience, my parents were strict and controlled what I did but eventually, they allowed me to be more independent. They felt that if I made my own decisions and had my own freedom, I could learn from my mistakes and choose what kind of person I want to be in the future. I feel like they made the right choice to let me be independent most times because it made me work harder in everything I did, find out what I want to achieve in life and who I want to be in life.
The readings, class discussions, and lectures definitely helped with my learning process because Professor Idemaru and the GE, Hyunji, went in-depth on the topics which allowed me to learn more about East Asian culture. The readings specifically helped me a lot because it helped me prepare for the lecture and understand the discussions that were going on in class.
I approach learning in this course by taking notes on the lecture slides the night before because it helps me mentally prepare for class and I won’t have stress out about making sure I took notes on everything on the slides. Taking notes ahead of class time helps me learn more about the topics we are covering during class because I can focus on listening to the professor and process what she is saying mentally. This class is changing my sense of “linguistics” as a field because I am learning things about the three East Asian languages that I didn’t know before. I came into this class having a minimal amount of knowledge on the languages but after taking this class, I learned more about the different aspects of them and how they were created.
This class is not challenging me to change how I think because I was raised in a community where the population mainly consisted of Asians, specifically Chinese, Japanese and Koreans. Throughout my life, I have learned a lot about East Asian culture because my family and everyone in my life is from an Asian background. Thus, this led me to be open-minded about the material that I learn in class about East Asia because I am exposed to the language and culture.