So far in this class, the question that has intrigued me the most is how does language affect our perception of certain concepts? It is fascinating from today’s class to consider how people think of the same concept differently, or even from the reading, what they notice first about something or what they are taught by the parents to notice first as they are growing up.
Learning about the different cultural phenomenon such as Herbivore boys and Girl graphs was also particularly interesting, as they were aspects of Japanese society I wasn’t aware of or knowledgeable of. I approached the learning in this course as learning new cultural and linguistical differences and how linguistical differences are used by the speakers of the language to express their different cultural differences. It has taught me to examine the language used and how the language is expected to be used in the languages I am learning (Korean and Japanese) and beginning to notice more of these interesting cultural and linguistical differences while I am learning the language. I have begun to notice odd aspects that I failed to notice before.