Post 3

This class has been really interesting. Some of the material has been difficult, because of English not being my first language, and then attempting to linguistically absorb another language with that as well; but socially and historically, the information has been helpful, relevant, and informational. I enjoyed hearing all of the students talk. It is always interesting to hear someone talk about their culture, since they have the first hand experience.  The subject that has interested me the most has been has been about the social inequality combined with the language, or how language infers social inequality. In my first language, there is no higher and lower, everyone is the same. The language is blunt, which can come off as rude comparatively to English, but everyone is equal. There is no social difference between men and women; young or old. So it’s really bizarre to me to see that built into a language, and difficult to understand. My approach to learning this material has been talking the material out to the point where I can write it, and teach it to others. It has made me more interested in pursuing linguistics as a field. As well as combining with Sign as well, since there isn’t a lot of linguistic data in that area.

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