Blog post 2

This picture was taken in the 3rd floor of Oregon hall. It was quite awkward taking this picture, I don’t believe the people at the desk understood what I was doing. However, you gotta do what you gotta do, and I did.

This is Japanese text, and I believe it is talking about a job fair for bilingual people. I would assume this is referring to specifically Japanese ESL students, so that’s pretty cool. The kanji all the way on the right also says “the biggest in the world!” or something to that effect. I think it is interesting how these posters are written, often just kind of throwing words at you like “job fair” and “bilingual” without trying to make a complete sentence. Because it’s not really a complete sentence, there’s not a lot of room to be polite in the traditional sense that we are learning about in class. It kind of gets me wondering, is this poster being rude? I wonder how this poster would hit a Japanese person’s eyes, I doubt it would be considered rude, but there’s nothing that would make it polite, and I would think that the absence of politeness can be considered rude in some ways.

Then again, as someone who is a native speaker of English, I see a similar format in flyers like this, and I don’t even think twice about it. I guess it’s just trying to give you as much information as it can, and not really caring about politeness or good grammar. Pretty interesting.

Anyways I like this class, it’s pretty interesting. I find it pretty cool to see the comparisons between these 3 big languages and how they are similar and at the same time very different. The class is pretty interesting to me too because I am in Japanese at the same time. Sometimes I’ll even learn about something in this class (like keigo) before even hearing about it in Japanese class. Pretty neat.

I think I’m doing fine in this class, everything makes sense, but I guess I’ll know for sure after the midterm.

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