Hello I am Jonah Moua, who is majoring in Biology and currently a sophomore, and something about myself is my heritage is Hmong and my family came from Laos. Although being an American-Hmong, I have not learned to read and write in the language and only came to understood it, as being raised it was the only language I’ve heard. In terms of culture, I know many, yet I feel l like my American side is more prominent even though it is my second. However, I never liked the Hmong culture anyways because the ancient traditions of marriage and authority in ranking of status of family title runs in my family. Unfortunately for women and my mom their hierarchy power is nonexistent and the relatives or my father are in power of her. With such ancient traditions running in my family, I have decided that I can chose between of the cultures that I want to be, which is American, or the entitlement of freedom as what many people refer as American to in many parts of the third world.
In this picture that I have decided to post, what it communicates about me is that I have a passion for music as I have two pianos in my room. I love to sing and make music as it allows my mind to be at ease when rough times arrives. Furthermore to this picture, I also have a gaming laptop, mouse and headset. On my free times, I also play games if I have a lot of time to spare, but usually I practice singing to stay on pitch and tempo.
My interests in East Asian languages and society is that I really am interested in Korea, and how they work their structural of the music industries. As for as I am aware, the structure is controversial as there are many talented people who can sing, yet they fail to join an organization as their looks are not idol-like. Furthermore, I am also interested in the language and the pronunciation as it sounds very smooth.
The questions that have intrigued me so far is that how has Eastern Asia and Society affected the western? As of now, the Eastern societies are making an impact to the west through their music, as such with Korea’s BTS, and with this impact I wonder what other impacts have also occurred that are not music or literature related. How I would describe the teaching method for this course is that it is indifferent from other lecture classes, and it has been successful so far. The approach I take to learning is to generally take notes from the teacher and then review them for readings or quizzes in order to refresh the information. The approach in this course that I take to learning is no different than my other classes. So far this class has been relaxing so far and I really enjoy it.