My name is Carolina my major is CIS, and I am proud mother of a little gremlin named, Halloween!
I first became interested in the Eastern Asian culture from my father who introduced to me at a very young age, pictures and words he took and learnt when he was sent to Okinawa! From there on I studied Japanese on my spare time, and found it really cool and interesting to learn. I felt as though simply learning the language wouldn’t suffice, and since I was already interested in the culture and language I thought this was a perfect opportunity to learn more about it and the other countries, that I can only imagine have in some way, influenced each other!
I think, somethings that came up in he readings so far that has intrigued me, was whether Japanese and Korean are genetically related. Honestly, this class has definitely changed my perspective on the relations between these three countries. As I learn both Korean and Japanese at the same time there are some words that are similar, and I made the assumption that they must have been heavily influenced from China as they share some characters with Chinese words. I am starting to become more aware of how and where each country comes from, and I think it will definitely clarify many things, as well as help me gain a better understanding and appreciation of their languages!