Reflection of Learning

So far I have really enjoyed the class! I honestly feel as if I have learned new concepts from taking a linguistics class that I wasn’t really aware of going into the class. Though what I really enjoy talking most about is the research that is done in this field, more specifically, the few recent classes we have had towards the end of term. Topics that can be argued from either side are interesting because I have never realized how differently languages can influence people to process the same situation or concepts. I also think its fascinating to compare myself and my understandings of things to what researchers have found in the past. From my brief exposure to these concepts, it seems I align more with East Asian tendencies then I do European American tendencies which raises several questions.

Mostly I wonder what or when in my life I have learned East Asian tendencies and if there was ever a point in my life where I aligned more with European American tendencies? Because I really don’t have any relatives in my family that are from East Asia, nor was he town that I have spent nearly my entire life in really all that diverse so I can’t imagine there was a major influence of their culture in my life. Though ever since taking Japanese Language courses in high school I was then exposed to it much more then I ever have been so maybe that’s when it started? Was I already born with it? Or was I influenced by my parents to learn those East Asian tendencies over European American tendencies conscientiously?  In which case am I pretty evenly split between the two?

So then I wonder how my brother or sister compares to me in terms of which tendency they processes situations more in?  Because arguably despite growing up in close quarters and living conditions,  we are all very different people and its very evident we process situations and concepts differently than each other so I wonder if we think the same way and just end up on different preference conclusions, or its because we tend to compute experiences to either an american standard or an Asian standard?

And then relate that to our family and friends furthermore onto larger populations of peoples. There is a lot that can go into concepts like these which I think makes for the most interesting conversation because each individual person can relate differently to the results. Whether that be in opposition to each other or in agreeance with each other, I think it’s a great way to learn about  a topic like these cause we can personalize it better rather then just memorizing information.

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