Class reflection

This class has been a really nice culmination of my 24 credit focus on asia. This class did change my idea of what “linguistics” was. Before this class, I wouldn’t say I knew what linguistics was. Now, nearing the end of the term, I could probably explain in broad terms what a Linguist does. Linguistics isn’t just studying language, It is totally intertwined with every aspect of that culture the language belongs to. Language makes up a broad portion of a culture, and explains many phenomenon that only exist within that culture. A specific example of this would be Oppa in Korea. The word explains a lot about the culture of K-Pop and also fan culture.

The idea that society is shaped by language is extremely interesting to me. And it brings up a debate questioning if it is language that shapes society, or society that shapes language. All of these questions tie in really nicely with history, politics, and culture. As we have been learning most recently, we see that eastern and western societies process visual data and nouns differently than each other. These small differences in how a language is structured can actually shape how we process the world.

One of the most important realizations I have had in this class is the idea of Dyads and how gender bias is literally ingrained in the fabric of our languages. The broad inclusion of gender bias exists across eastern and western languages and really sheds light on the inherent sexism in all of our minds. The english examples include Good and Bad, Right and Wrong, Up and Down, Heaven and Hell. All of these word pairs include a positive-negative order. Man and Woman shows us how we may be subconsciously propping up this system of discrimination. It was crazy to me to see this in class because I had never given language a second thought as having the power to prop up discrimination.

I am very glad that this class was the last of my sequence of classes in my study of Asia for my business major. I think moving from the history of Japan, to the history of Asia as a whole, onto religion and philosophy has been an amazing progression for my understanding of the region of East Asia. Understanding language structures and cultural elements of asia is critical to understanding history and religion. They all play off of each other and support a holistic understanding of the region.

Thank you Hyunji and Kaori for doing such a great job at introducing linguistics to me and the class. I really enjoyed learning about the linguistic features of East Asia.

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