Being able to study subjects that I am passionate about such as: culture, language and societies, I was able to deeply engage with all of the material in this class. I loved that I was eager to read all the assignments with extreme curiosity and absorbed as much information I could, as well as being able to participate with classmates and have active discussions in class that helped me understand points of views from students of other nationalities. In particular, the subject of linguistic features of east Asian languages intrigued me very much. I learned new things about lexical properties and the foundation of languages, (I.e. what language family they derive from etc.) which I found out, is something I am very interested in, enough to study more about linguistics throughout my degree. I wouldn’t say this class was challenging for me, but because it was focusing on subjects I love to learn about, I learned so many new things that even contributed in many of my other classes. I look forward to taking a class similar to this one again!
-Ester Angulo