Blog Post 2

There is a large influence of Asian culture incorporated through out Eugene! We see several examples of this in advertising for local businesses, restaurants, clothing and snacks. I was able to find a good example of Japanese writing incorporated into advertising on a large poster on the Duck Sushi restaurant around the corner from the university.
Though personally I am not sure of what the translation is from Japanese to English, but I can recognize that is  Japanese by the Hirigana “ki” used in the center of the text. I can guess that it is close to the English “hand rolls” included just above the Kanji. I think that this is a good example of the incorporation of Asian languages in our surrounding culture because both text are done in relatively easy-to-read font, and they have been finished in roughly the same size. By doing so, either text isn’t over powering the other which means one isn’t having to compete with the other in order to be seen resulting in a respectful environment for both texts.

I wonder which text is more recognizable to native English speakers or to native Japanese speakers? Because out of the 7 separate advertising  posters that were posted in the window of the restaurant, this is the only poster I saw that had Asian characters incorporated into the design.  Perhaps I wasn’t looking close enough or maybe their target clients are native English speakers? Though that brings us back to what we talked about in class this week of the real purpose of advertising in another language such as this example. Maybe by having Japanese characters on this specific poster, non-Japanese speaking clients feel like the hand rolls a product may feel more authentic through that incorporation of Asian lettering?

On another note the class has been good. I’d like to say that I am learning a lot and absorbing all of the information, but the midterm would say other wise. I am a bit overwhelmed because I’ve done all of the homework but one quiz so far, I’ve written everything down from every slide, I pay attention and participate when ever possible in class, and studied well before the exam, and yet I really didn’t do as good as I thought I would do which isn’t the best feeling. So I really enjoy that you do include discussion during class because its a good opportunity to recite the information you want us to understand. I also really enjoyed the inclusion of the tea lecture, it was very fascinating. I will continue to do my best and participate in class whenever possible.

Thanks again for this opportunity to get this assignment right!

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