Blog 2-Writing

The first two pictures were taken on E Broadway Street towards Whole Foods Market. It was right next to Lane 5 Crossfit Center.

And then the last two are on posters that were being sold at the fair that was at the school.

  1.  As I enter week 3, this class has peaked my interest in learning one of the languages. I think it’s fascinating how these languages are written and interpreted, and I want to see how it compares to Arabic. It’s funny, because a lot of the times when people look at Arabic, they get totally overwhelmed and  wonder how the heck people read it. When we go over slides in class that show Korean/Chinese/Japanese characters, I can’t help but feel the same way. But it only drives to want to learn the language even more. I’m not sure which one yet, my instincts wants to learn all 3, but I know right now, I only have time for one. My study habits for this class is heavily based on keeping ahead and turning assignments in early. On top of that, I like to print out the readings so I can annotate them and easily find my notes which summarize certain sections, and highlight important parts. I can’t really read while the text is on screen, and having the paper to visually see next to me, and not having to read back and forth between text and quizzes really helps. Overall, I feel like I’m learning a lot. Not in just East Asian cultures, but in mine as well. I think in class is when I learn the most. I like reviewing over what we read, the material just sits easier in my mind. There really isn’t anytime where I am confused in lecture. If I am, I would probably ask the teachers or someone next to me. I came into this course looking to see what comprises this culture as well as how it compares to Middle Eastern culture. The research report greatly extended my focuses, as I research topics of my culture that I have never really considered (politeness). And it is opening new sections of cultures that I never realized, and these are usually geared to they WHY aspect of certain gestures, language changes while speaking, writing and how those are carried out in the public.

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