There are many East Asain writing around our community. In Eugene, there are many Asian restaurants, grocery shops, and other community places that have Asain writing and cultural items. The example that I found is the Tasty Chongquig restaurant. It is a restaurant located in downtown Eugene on broadway. I honestly have never seen a customer in there and seems like it’s empty inside but the anyways, the sign includes many writing symbols. The writing I believe is in Mandarin so it is similar to a Chinese restaurant. A connection I can make in class is that Mandarin and Japanese are very similar so I knew the symbol “麺” means noodle in Japanese and it also says noodle to ramen so I’m guessing the restaurant is Chinese infused ramen.
BLOG 2 – The picture is here because the file was too big
As I reflect on the learning in this class, the strategies thats been helping me is making sure I take good notes in class and showing up to the discussion classes. There has not been moment where the lecture was not clear because everything is pretty straight forward. Using Iclicker is a good way to learn but also stressful because I don’t want to miss a point. Overall, I’m excited for the next 5 weeks of class and hopfully I do good on my midterm.