Asian Writing Around Town

It is very interesting to really start paying attention to the incorporation of culture around town, specially when it comes to the interrogation of Asian languages through out the streets. So when my friend visited from Bend, I wanted to take the opportunity to get a good photo while showing them around. We were on our way to a friends place out towards Spring Field actually when I saw a good example of signage with Asian lettering on it.

Now I am not sure how accurate the translation is, but I think for a simple sign, the red, white, and blue color scheme emphasizes the lettering even further. Unfortunately, we didn’t have the time to stop and visit in order to investigate what kind of place it really was, but from the title I would assume it was intended to be an Asian inspired food market. Both of the fonts to me seem pretty traditional when it comes to what I would expect to see in either case.

Also I wanted to include this example of Kanji that has been incorporated into the design of my friends wallet. This one I can tell more accurately translates to the English included directly above the text. I think the Asian lettering adds an interesting touch the composition of the wallet because it has been done vertically unlike everything else done on the wallet. I think this is also a great example of incorporating multiple cultures together because “lunch money” is a common reference made, so seeing that done with another culture on a wallet designed to hold money is a really cool idea.


This class has been a good mix of challenging and interesting. I am very excited to learn more about several Asian languages, but it is a bit challenging to get each concept aligned with the right culture since I am very new to most of these languages. I have a pretty good understanding of Japanese, which means I have a vague understanding of Chinese, but I struggle with understanding some cultural idea’s and concepts in Korean culture since I have no previous background in that area. Of course I show up to every class and make sure to write everything down and do the home works, it is just a lot of new information to digest. The most challenging part I think may be the homework just because its hard to keep up with through out the week, but I appreciate you taking the time to talk about them in class as well.

I guess we will see after this midterm, how much information has actually stuck and I will be sure to keep my eye out or more Asian lettering around this area!



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