My name is Jaiden Mason. I am from Charlotte, North Carolina and I am studying Sports Business here at UO. I am a member of Alpha Chi Omega sorority on campus and also the treasurer for women’s club volleyball here. In my free time, I like to watch Law and Order: SVU on Hulu and play fun games with my friends.
I am interested in East Asian languages and societies because I studied abroad in Japan for a month without any background knowledge of the country, so now I feel the need to educate myself on the country’s language and culture before I make another trip there. Also, it’s not an area of the world that gets focused on enough in grade schools, so it’s interesting to continue to learn about even in later years.
I am intrigued by the various characters of the Chinese language and how these characters have developed over time because of the vast number of them. How do you learn them all in a timely manner? And at what age are you expected to know certain words?
I would describe the teaching methods of this course to be mostly lecture based, with the exception of discussion sections. Lots of lectured slides are used in learning which highlight key terms. Additional to the slides, the use of the iClicker makes sure the class has gained understanding of a topic and helps understand the weaknesses of the topics. My approach to learning in general is by simply paying attention when learning for the first time, it makes going back and doing assignments much easier because I am not reteaching myself the material. I typically learn better from lecture slides and notes, not with being spoken at with no visual cues to important information. In this class, I find my approach to learning is the same as how I generally approach learning in my classes. I wouldn’t say the class is necessarily challenging me to change how I think. My courses in high school and a few in college recently followed a similar format, so I find it very comforting to have a course this term the same.
I am excited to see what the rest of the course has to offer!