
1.) Hi! My name’s Andrew and I’m a senior at the University of Oregon studying Business Administration.

I play ice hockey for the Ducks, here’s a picture!


I’m interested how East Asian language is influenced by its culture and vice versa. The cultures of East Asia are drastically different from Western culture and I would like to learn more about it. I would also like the learn the differences between the language and writing of East Asian countries relative to one another and how it’s shaped their modern cultural differences.


2.) The class so far seems interesting. I’ve never looked at writing and language in the way we are in class. I’ve also never really examined the geographical and population sizes of these East Asian countries in relation to the United States. I think this could set some interesting context going into our studies in this class about the development of writing and language. All of the material in class is completely new to me! So it’ll be interesting to see if this is an area of interest for me.

I think this class will be challenging due to how the material will be presented to me through readings and lectures. I’m more of a visual learner, so I like to watch videos and consume information in that medium. What we’re studying in this class didn’t naturally pique my interest going through school, but I’m excited to delve into something new!

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