Self Introduction
Hello everyone, my name is Lily. I am a third year transferring from Oregon State University [OSU] in order to study International Studies. Even though I was at OSU for two years prior to transferring I only spent one year on the Corvallis campus, as the second year was spent at the University of Sussex in southern England.
There are many things that I enjoy doing in my free time, one of them being roleplaying. I hope to find a group to play with while at Oregon and to expand my dice collection. East and Southeast Asia is a region full of vastly different governments and political systems, which is my main interest. However, governments are made up of people so if I am going to have in depth knowledge of the region it is important to understand the languages and societies that these people come from.
Course Thoughts
I have always found languages to be interesting and learning more about the various writing systems has already snagged me in. So far the course seems to be doing readings ahead of class time with a lecture to reinforce that which has been learned, which is the method that I have had the most success with in the past and so I am looking forward to continuing to use going forward. Thus far I have not had my mind changed about anything, though it is all fairly simple introductory information. I imagine that if any change needs to be made I can adapt to it relatively quickly, though this depends on what kind of adaptation I would need to make. Overall I am very excited to dive right into this course over the next few months!