Artifact #7: Technology

In the Beverly Jones’s article “Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins”, her main point is that all the technology stuff is based on the old technology, and the computer graphics also influence the way that people doing art. She also claims that, “New forms art and technology are frequently cast in the mode of old forms, just as other aspects of material and symbolic culture have been” (Jones, 1990) The forms of technology almost stay the same, and they are already in shaped. People could not change the art forms easily, the elements of it is everywhere in   artworks. Technology is the product of people’s wisdom, but it also affects people’s art view.

Things always have two sides, the good side and the bad side. So, the technology is the same thing that has the two sides. In the article Beverly Jones says that, “However, some traces of the origins and practices remain in these forms, which consequently contribute to both cultural maintenance and change.” The forms are based on the art, and the art is based on the culture. When people think about the history of an artwork, people always connected with the culture. The culture is part of the artwork. This should be maintained. The author also talks about the history of computer that changed people’s real life. She also makes some example for the computer graphic, “Scientific visualization involves expression both of physical laws and of visual/optical laws. Both artists and scientists abstract natural laws from the ‘real’ world to express it mathematically and to present it visually. ” (Jones, 1990). We can see the visual laws of an artwork is very important, the technology change the way that people look things. When people want to view an graphics on the computer screen, this should be a problem to view the real pictures. In conclusion, the author just wants us to know the technology graphics makes our visualization more variable. This could also tell us, the technology improves the way that people appreciate things. This is a progress of people civilization. The technology changes people’s life, and I think it could be more influenced in the future.


For this article, I think it is about the technology and art. The technology really changes people’s life. When people used to work on the paper and with pens, but now they are doing work on the computer and with keyboard.  This is a really big change for people. Technology is the creation of people, so it should be good for people. People keep using it, because it will help people to do things and make things much easier than before. Just like I talked about above, the graphic on the computer.  This is an improvement of making artwork. This is also change the people’s view of painting. In the traditional way, people always draw a picture on the paper. Drawing picture on the wall is the original way. Because people’s civilization is improving, so it is not that have to imagine painting on the computer. Does the painting on the computer lose it basic meaning. I think it does not. Painting on the computer is also draw by people’s hand, and it also includes the author’s expression. Like I said, people are progressing. Drawing on the computer is the way that people create artwork for people nowadays. Picture also could be seen on the screen, so this could be appreciated.


Future goals:

I think technology is the basic things in our world, and it helps people to progress. When I see some technology, and I will think about the good side of it and also the bad side of it. I will make sure that the technology that I use is helpful for me. Also, I would not buy the technology to follow the general trend. I will do some comparison with other product. I also like to learn some software on the computer. Maybe, I can do my own artwork.

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