CFP: New Online Pedagogies in Art History


Deadline May 8, 2015.

Forum Discussion: New Online Pedagogies for Art History

Anne McClanan, Portland State University; Macie Hall, Johns Hopkins University. Email: and .

This panel showcases emergent strategies and tools for teaching art history online, with short presentations by panelists in order to permit more time for discussion and questions. Our goal is to introduce a variety of innovative approaches as usable takeaways that attendees can adapt to their own teaching practices. While some approaches might be predicated on a fully or partially online learning environment, other case studies might be relevant to a fully face-to-face class that includes online elements. The panel will offer a forum for exchanging ideas, laying the foundation for future collaborative efforts.

Possible topics include (but are not limited to): OERs (Open Educational Resources), Multimedia and Rich Media Projects, LMS: Friend or Foe, Online Exhibition-Making Tools and Other Aspects of Online Maker Culture, and Gamification. Other related proposals are welcome, the above list is meant to broaden, not limit, the range of work we will share.

More details available here:

**Please note that one must be a CAA member to present a paper at their conference.

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