Artifact 8: Spirituality


  • Become familiar with ways in which spirituality influences artists


There are many key points within this week’s article. Grey discusses different processes that artist goes through when choosing what to do for there piece of art and how the interpretations will be viewed.

 One of the key points for artist is Inspiration. Inspiration comes differently to each artist. Everyone has different processes to how they come to start or end there own piece. It’s interesting on how some people think differently. Some people have complete ideas before they put there pencil down, however, others don’t. Some people work well under pressure, some people crack. Grays main point is about how artist get inspirations through different processes such as looking. “To see deeply and to understand are different from mere looking or observation. (Pg. 74)” looking is a method that is a new idea to me. Gray also thinks how this method of looking allows the artist and the people to have different interpretations. “‘Depth perception’ is an ability of the mind to understand visual space” (pg 75) allows these interpretations. Some people don’t get the different cues. Interpretation of art is all-different. The difference interpretations are what make art so fun.

         When looking at a piece of art, the article has three levels of viewing art: “…the viewer first encounters a work of art as a physical object seen by the eye of the flesh. Second, the eye of reason sees a harmony of sensations that stir the emotions, and a conceptual understanding of the art arises. Third, and only in the deepest art, a condition of the soul is revealed, one’s heart is opened, and spiritual insight is transmitted to the eye of contemplation” the article describes these 3 levels a necessary item in a piece of art. If a piece of art claims to have meaning, it needs to have these 3 levels. This really popped out to my attention, because I have never thought of these things when I looked at art before.

This idea that art only comes with emotion has really stuck with me.

This idea that art only comes with emotion has really stuck with me.

Another idea that Grey brought up was the creative process. I think an interesting idea is that Inspire is related to breath, which is “ known as life and spirit” (82) I really like that he referred inspire to these words. Inspiration comes through life and the spirit within. Spirit and life brings vision to the artist. That’s how the ideas come flow, there are endless possibilities.

This is my element where I feel the most inspired and spiritual. When I am out running.

This is my element where I feel the most inspired and spiritual. When I am out running.

 Is the term inspiration only limited to art? Or can you relate it to a variety thinks in life? I don’t think inspiration only relates to art, I relate it to my running as well. The way I train as well as my worth ethic. My inspirations that I have seen or met through out life, have related to my worth ethic and push me.  Which relates back to the idea of relating inspire to life.


I really enjoyed Greys personal views and beliefs on spirituality. It was really interesting to learn the different levels, and methods of how artist worked. i learned how artist used their own spirituality to get them started on a piece of art. They use ones own inspiration. i really liked learning how the word “inspire” is related to the words life and spirit. These 2 concepts bring vision to the artists.

Even thought spirituality is a subject that is very broad, i believe that this article of Grey makes me believe that spirituality influences artists in so many ways. it provides them with vision that gives them many possibilities.


In the Future, I think it would be cool to learn specific examples of artists, and how they think. Learn how they work, what inspires them. It would be cool to really get in their head and figure out how they do their best work.

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Grey, A. (2001). Art as Spiritual Practice. The Mission of Art (1st ed., pp. 205-233). Boston & London: Shambhala.

One thought on “Artifact 8: Spirituality

  1. I believe that inspiration is not only an important aspect for artists,but for any individual who has set out any goals for themselves. There are different types of motivators, such as bosses, but inspiration is a pure form of motivation. This motivation is from within and it creates a much better final product. When one is inspired to complete something out of personal inspiration then there is greater effort put forth into the work.

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