Tentative Courses

Tentative Biology Course Offerings by Term

Below is a list of Biology courses. Course descriptions can be found in the biology section of the University of Oregon Catalog. There is also course syllabi and course web page information available. The Oregon Institute of Marine Biology also offers special courses that are not listed on this master. Biology Advising can help you find out which courses meet Biology degree requirements and assist in program planning and development.

Site Index

Special Studies & Experimental Courses In Red
Oregon Institute of Marine Biology In Blue
Meets BI Area I requirement 1
Meets BI Area II requirement 2
Meets BI Area III requirement 3
Meets BI 420-499 requirement for BI majors 4
Meets BI Major Lab/Field component requirement L
Meets BI MAPS requirement M
Group Satisfying – Science requirement Q


Courses Fall Winter Spring Summer Requirement
Bi 121 Introduction to Human Physiology 24 24 Q
Bi 122 Introduction to Human Genetics Q
Bi 123 Biology of Cancer 25 Q
Bi 130 Introduction to Ecology Q
Bi 132 Introduction to Animal Behavior Q
Bi 140 Science, Policy and Biology 25 Q
Bi 150 The Ocean Planet 24 25 25 Q
Bi 160 From Brains to Artificial Intelligence Q
Bi 170 Happiness: Neuro Psychology 24 Q
Bi 199 Habitats of the Oregon Coast
See OIMB Website
Bi 199 Intro to Marine Biology (MARB Majors only)
24 See OIMB Website
Bi 199 Biology of Immortality
Bi 211 General Biology I: Cells 24 25 24 Q
Bi 212 General Biology II: Organisms 25 25 24 Q
Bi 213 General Biology III: Populations 24 25 Q
Bi 214 General Biology IV: Mechanisms 24 25 24 Q
Bi 281H Honors Bi I: Cells, Biochem, & Phys 24 Q
Bi 282H Honors Bi II: Gen & Mol Bio 25 Q
Bi 283H Honors Bi III: Evol, Diversity & Ecol 25 Q
Bi 307 Forest Biology 24 L
Bi 320 Molecular Genetics 24 25 24 1
Bi 322 Cell Biology 24 25 24 1
Bi 322 Cell Biology (at OIMB) 1/See OIMB Website
Bi 326 Immunology & Infectious Disease 24 1
Bi 328 Developmental Biology 25 1, L
Bi 328 Developmental Biology (at OIMB) 24 1, L/See OIMB Website
Bi 330 Microbiology 24 25 +BI 331 = 2, L
Bi 331 Microbiology Laboratory 24 25 + BI 330 = 2, L
Bi 353 Sensory Physiology 24 2
Bi 356 Animal Physiology 2, L
Bi 357 Marine Biology 25 3, L, Q
Bi 358 Investigations in Medical Physiology 25 2 Bi major only
Bi 359 Plant Biology 24 2
Bi 360 Neurobiology 24 25 25 1
Bi 370 Ecology 25 3, L
Bi 374 Conservation Biology (course description) 3
Bi 380 Evolution 24 25 3
Bi 390 Animal Behavior 25 3
Bi 395 Tropical Ecology 3
Bi 399 Sp St Computational Genomics
Bi 399 Sp St Intro Python Bio
25 M
Bi 399 Sp St Animal Form & Function
Bi 399 Intro Experimental Design & Statistics 24 M/See OIMB Website
Bi 403 Biology Honors Thesis
Bi 407 Seminar: Application for Grad Study
Bi 407 Seminar: SCORE
24 25
Bi 407 Seminar: Marine Biology
See OIMB Website
Bi 408 Workshop: SCORE
Bi 408/508 Workshop: Biological Illustration 24 See OIMB Website
Bi 408/508 Workshop: Marine Bioinvasions
See OIMB Website
Bi 408/508 Workshop: Marine Bioacoustics
See OIMB Website
Bi 408/508 Workshop: Sex in the Sea
24 See OIMB Website
Bi 410/510 Ecological Field Methods
4, L, M
Bi 410/510 Epigenetics Inheritance
 – 4
Bi 410/510 Microbial Metabolism & Human Health
24 4
Bi 410/510 Microbial Ecology
Bi 410/510 Analysis of Neural Data
25 4, M
Bi 410/510 Neurobiology of Motivation & Addiction
Bi 410/510 Stochastic Dynamic Modeling Biology
4, M
Bi 410/510 Data Visualization
Bi 410/510 Neural Basis Cognition 4
Bi 410/510 Functional Genetics
Bi 410/510 Autism & Neurodevelopmental Disorders
25 4
Bi 410/510 Tropical Marine Biology
Bi 410/510 Matlab for Biologists
4, M
Bi 410/510 Conservation Genetics
Bi 410/510 Neurogenetics
Bi 410/510 Biology of Aging
Bi 410/510 Stem Cells Disease & Medicine
25 4
Bi 410/510 Evo-Devo
25 4
Bi 410/510 Genetics of Fertility
25 4
Bi 410/510 Ecosystems & Global Change
25 4
Bi 410/510 Data Science Ecology & Conservation
24 4, M
Bi 410/510 Cell Physio/Marine Lab
+ BI 457 Cell Physio/Marine = L/See OIMB Website
Bi 410/510 Microbial Discovery
24 See OIMB Website
Bi 422/522 Protein Toxins in Cell Biology
(new course description)
Bi 423/523 Human Molecular Genetics
Bi 424/524 Advanced Molecular Genetics
Bi 426/526 Genetics of Cancer 25
Bi 427/527 Molecular Gen Human Disease
Bi 428/528 Developmental Genetics 25
Bi 432/532 Mycology 24 4, L
Bi 433/533 Bacterial-Host Interactions 25
Bi 442/542 Systematic Botany 25 L
Bi 448/548 Field Botany 24 L
Bi 451/551 Invertebrate Zoology 25 24 L/See OIMB Website
Bi 452/552 Insect Biology L
Bi 454/554 Estuarine Biology 24 L/See OIMB Website
Bi 455/555 Marine Birds and Mammals 24 L/See OIMB Website
Bi 457/557 Topics: Biology of the Fishes 24 L/See OIMB Website
Bi 457/557 Topics: Marine Environmental Issues
L/See OIMB Website
Bi 457/557 Topics: Deep-Sea Biology
24 L/See OIMB Website
Bi 457/557 Topics: Cell Physiology in the Marine Realm
+ Bi 410 Cell Physio/Marine Lab = L/See OIMB Website
Bi 457/557 Topics: Comp. Embryology & Larval Biol 24 L/See OIMB Website
Bi 457/557 Topics: Seaweed Biology
24 L/See OIMB Website
Bi 457/557 Topics: Marine Molecular Biology
24 L/See OIMB Website
Bi 457/557 Topics: Marine Science Communication
24 L/See OIMB Website
Bi 458/558 Biological Oceanography 24 L/See OIMB Website
Bi 461/561 Systems Neuroscience 25
Bi 463/563 Cellular Neuroscience 25 Asynch. WEB
Bi 464/564 Biological Clocks
Bi 466/566 Developmental Neurobiology 25
Bi 468/568 Amphibians & Reptiles in Oregon  –  –  – L
Bi 471/571 Population Ecology 25 M
Bi 472/572 Community Ecology 25
Bi 474/574 Marine Ecology 25 L,3/See OIMB Website
Bi 476/576 Terrestrial Ecosystems Ecology
Bi 484/584 Molecular Evolution 25
Bi 485/585 Techniques in Computational Neuroscience M
Bi 486/586 Population Genetics
OMBI 488 BI: Tropical Marine Biology in Panama 4, L
ONEO 488 BI: Neotropical Ecology Field Study  24 4, L
ONEO 488 BI: Neotropical Ecology Field Project 24 4
Bi 488/588 Evolutionary Processes 24  –
Bi 493/593 Genomic Approaches & Analysis
Bi 610 Prof. Development Life Sci (Evol Gen Series) 24
Bi 610 Evol Gen I, II, and III (Topics Variable) 24
Bi 610 Evol Gen IV, V, and VI (Topics Variable)
Bi 610 Advanced Cellular Neuroscience 24  –
Bi 610 Advanced Biological Statistics I  –
Bi 610 Advanced Biological Statistics II
Bi 610 Scientific Writing 25
Bi 610 Ethics Life Science Research 24
Bi 610 Scientific Reasoning 24
Bi 610 Careers in Bioscience
Bi 610 Grant Writing Workshop
Bi 620 Molecular Genetics 24


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