December 2, 2013

I have recently watched the movie “Exit through the gift shop” chronicling the art of many street artists including the famous “Banksy”. I have found even watching a small montage of his art can provoke lots of interesting ideas about your everyday life.

Project 3

November 15, 2013

In project 3 we set up the design for a the Prime Properties website. We styled the financing and index pages using a Cascading Style Sheet. You can find a link to my prime properties website here.

Project 2

November 15, 2013

Project two asked us to make a profile page similar to that of Anna Dowlin in P1.  We coded an image and a paragraph aout ourselves and what we hope to get out of our class. You can find my profile page here .

What a classy Profile.

Project 1

October 9, 2013

Hello there, my name is Ethan Strong. This project was about using basic web development skills to create a profile page, first for Anna Dowlin, then myself. The profile I made myself can be found here

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