Over the years, I have had the privilege and pleasure of interviewing so many incredible artists of color, specifically Black artists, Latina/o/x artists, migrant artists, women, queer folk, writers and visual artists.
Maybe one day I will compile the interviews into a bound collection. Until then, I share them here.
Dominican Women Artists interviews
In October & November 2016, I conducted interviews with Dominican Women Artists in New York City.
The Magic Makers: Interviews with LGBTQ+ Artists of Color
Between 2004 and 2009, I conducted interviews with numerous LGBTQ+ artists of color from around the United States.
Torch Literary Journal interviews
Between 2009 and 2012 I conducted several interviews of Black women writers for Torch Literary Journal.
Interview with Samira Abbassy for A Gathering of Tribes Journal, 2006
Samira Abbassy is an Iranian-British painter living in New York City. We met years ago and I was so deeply moved by her work that I asked if I could interview her. She agreed.