Letters of Recommendation

For undergraduate students, I write letters of recommendation based on the following criteria:

      • You have contacted me at least 6 weeks ahead of time.
      • You took at least 2 courses with me – and/or – I supervised you on your thesis, or for a research project.
      • You have an average of A- or higher in the courses you took with me.

If you would like me to be a recommender for you in the future, make sure to take courses with me and to come to my office hours. For undergraduate letters of recommendation, please send me an email (via university email, Canvas or through this website) with the following:

      1. A list of the courses you took with me and your grades.
      2. A list of places/grants/jobs/ to which you are applying.
      3. Deadlines for said applications.
      4. Mailing addresses, application sites and emails for said applications.
      5. Your updated resume/c.v.
      6. A writing sample (for graduate school applications or grants)

For graduate students, I only write letters of recommendation for students on whose committee I have served. For those applying to academic jobs, I suggest that you open an account with the application service Interfolio (or something comparable), through which your applications can be processed. For graduate students requesting a letter of recommendation (for academic and non-academic jobs), please contact me with at least 3 weeks lead time and provide:

      1. A list of places/grants/positions to which you are applying.
      2. The person/committee to whom the letter should be addressed.
      3. Mailing address, website and email information
      4. Deadlines.
      5. Your cover letter.
      6. Your updated c.v.
      7. A writing sample (for academic jobs).
      8. Teaching portfolio (for academic jobs).
      9. Any other relevant information.