1.Correctly identify the primary thesis of “Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins”
In Beverly Jones’s article she mention “Computer Graphics: Effects of origins” is that how past art patterns influence the evolution of the formation of computer graphics, and how computer graphics and current art combines to influence the history and cultural bases of computer graphics. She says “It is a premise of this paper that old cultural patterns do not die. They may fade or become more evident: that is, they may be de-emphasized or emphasized”(Jones 51). This shows that there might be some difference between modern art and past but there inside meaning will not be changed. All of the arts still have their main ideas in it. The only difference between the nowadays and the past is the way the artists show their meaning.
2.Identify one of the three historical examples Jones provides as an illustration of her thesis.
One of the historical examples is “in the 1940s analog computers were used to generate the earliest computer graphics and display them on oscilloscopes”. Obviously, the technology in the past influence current technology a lot. In the past, for computer graphics, “these graphics were phase forms presented as events rather than as static images.” That is totally different with current technology of computer graphics. However, it affects our current technology a lot. Because of those technologies in the past developed, so we can have totally different technology working for us now.
3.Provide a compelling and accurate illustration of Jones’ thesis at work in today’s culture.
I think the most compelling and accurate illustration of Jones’ thesis at work in current culture is that the artist can use the high-technology to express their ideas, they have more ways to create their works than the past. Before the computer graph coming out, the art project can only be expressed in paper, sculpture form, and the raw materials are always derived from oil. Thus, traditional art work may increase the dependence on our un-renewable energy resources. I found an interesting example of modern art that has the similar meaning as Jones’ thesis, which is computer animation. “The image is created by means of 3D computer graphics, though 2D computer graphics are still widely used for low bandwidth and faster real-time rendering needs (Science Daily). This technique is identical to how the illusion of movement is achieved with television and motion pictures. Currently, computer animation is essentially another form of art works in today’s culture. It follows the energy consideration of traditional art, also it can produce more mobile and vivid aspects into art project, and bring audience a new version of art world.
Computer Animation. Science Daily.2013 http://www.sciencedaily.com/articles/c/computer_animation.htm
Jones, B. J. (1990). Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins. LEONARDO: Digital Image –Digital Cinema Supplemental Issue, pp. 21-30.