
In presentation, “The Art: 21”, I found Ann Hamilton’s descriptions of art making is very interesting.  She can create an art by using “everything”.  The first artist she made is when she was a student and it is a man’s suits. That suits look like very similar with current fashion style. That is why I think her spirituality may influences current artists a lot. Also, some of her arts are sample but impressive, such as using slice of paper to make a book and the words on that paper twine together, which looks very beautiful.  When she remove ink by a finger, I am not quite understand what she is doing at first, but keep looking at the ink and the her finger, I think I know something. Her arts are more spirituality. What I mean is her arts are trying to impress people by the feeling of making arts. Like the ink, she removed ink slowly and the processes of disappearing each word are remembered in our mind and impress us.  I like the bubbles art. They remake the bubbles like a wall and the shadow of the bubblies on the wall is beautiful.  These shadows never are the same. It just likes our souls that do not have fixed appearance but can be influenced by others. The most interesting art is that she puts the camera in her mouth and takes pictures by opening her mouth. All of her pictures have a “mouth” shape. It is interesting to look at other people from mouth, seems like these pictures are took by our soul from our mouth.

Shahzia Sikander’s art is more like pop art that most people can understand what her art means easily. She made her art more seriously; every picture and every line have its meaning.  I think she may have religion, because all of her pictures have similar styles and most of pictures talk about woman. Also, she likes use lines to express her ideas. However, because of religion, she may have less creativity that is different with Ann Hamilton’s spirituality. Compare both of them; I think I like Ann better, because her art has life and soul.  Even though, people need more time to understand what kind of that art is, but after people understand how she makes her art, her art would be more impressive than Shahzia’s art.

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