
In Computer Graphics: Effects of Origin, Jones talks about how computer graphics is an important tool in our life and how computer graphics can be art. Jones mention that “ He believed that “material is ‘art’, if it can excite and stimulate observers or users to a new perception, or throw them out of an established mode of perception.” That is why computer graphics is “art”, because the high level computer graphics can produce dramatic effects that offer players a “virtual reality.” Also, he mentions that games “expressed in graphics and sound… move the player toward new levels of awareness…” However, I have a question about whether computer graphics as art should be necessary for games or not. Because in the “Studio 360 Audio Presentation”, Riedel-Kruse enjoys playing games that he created by himself. He spends about half his time to play these video games with poor computer graphics effects. So can we call that poor computer graphics art? Is computer graphics necessary for games?

  1. I personally don’t think that computer graphics are essential for games. I feel that the better the gameplay or story is, the more people will play it regardless. In Jane McGonigal’s TED talk she emphasized on how the feeling of an ‘epic win’ is so satisfying that gamers “just spend all their time in these gaming worlds” and that “its better than reality”. I too would love to play my old games despite the graphics because of the memories I had with those games back then. The desire for better graphics is just an elevated expectation we carry for games due to the advancement of technology in our times today. So therefore I believe that computer graphics aren’t a necessity for games and that poor graphics should be considered just as artistic as the high-level ones.

  2. I wouldn’t completely agree that computer graphics are essential to our life, seems a bit far fetch. Although, I would agree that Jones says about it being a subsidy of what constitutes art. I’m a bit confused in what exactly you are asking in your post. Do I believe that graphics are important to video games? Absolutely. If it were not, we all still be playing retro games with no influence to purchase new consoles. Currently, consumers are more interested in the graphics of the games rather than the actual content, because of wanting to feel that you’re playing the game in real life.

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