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Artifact #7: Art, Technology, and Games


  • Learn about the history of computer graphics
  • Examine the role of technology as a force for cultural maintenance and change
  • Discuss the validity of art created with the aid of machines
Artifact #7: Art, Technology, and Games
In the reading, “Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins”, Jones focuses on how computer technology work together with art. The thesis of this reading is “New forms of art and technology are frequently cast in the mode of old forms, just as other aspects of material and symbolic culture have been.” (Jones, 51)
Jones provided a historical example related to ancient Egyptian and explained how ancient Egyptian architecture present the old forms. Jones stated “The stone columns of ancient Egyptian architecture were based on earlier bound papyrus columns. Early oil paintings were similar in technique to egg tempera paintings and did not take advantage of oil’s mixing properties, slower drying and resultant appearance of softer edges.” (Jones, 51)

In today’s culture, we can see many illustration of Jones’ thesis that the new forms are reflecting with old forms. For example, the technology of automobiles has been developed over centuries. Many years ago, the structures and types of automobiles were simple. And there were only a few group of people can owns cars and know how to drive cars. Today, cars become one of the most important transportation tools in people’s daily life and there are many different structures or types of cars for people to choose. In addition, the art form related to cars has also been developed that people will put beautiful pictures on the body of vehicles or make the outlook of vehicles looks like artifacts. The development of automobiles represents the development of technology and changes of people’s interests and demands. However, all those different cars are improved from the old forms of cars. Engines, tires, or wheels are still important components of cars, just like before.

In the article, “The Arts, Science and Technology Fuse Together for Mutual Benefit”, by David Porter, the author explained how arts, science and technology work together and produce mutual benefits. David stated in the article that science, technology and arts cannot exist without others and all of them can work in perfect harmony and push artistic boundaries. (David, 1) In the article, the author used many examples to show how old forms of movie and fiction had been developed and how those new forms related to the old forms. The idea of this article can support Jones’ thesis that new forms are still frequently engaged with old forms.


The artifact from this week provide a good opportunity for me to explore the development history of computer technology. From the reading, Jones enhanced my understanding about how development of computer technology changes over time and continually produce significant effects on human society. Jones stated “Computer graphics, as defined by Franke and Beyer, has been in existence a relatively short time. Changes in the form of this medium, from static alphanumeric hardcopy to dynamic interactive multisensory output, have been dramatic and rapid. These changed are not simply technical effects. They contribute to maintenance and change of culturally conditioned conceptual patterns in the larger cultural historical context.” (Jones, 1) Jones provide several identical example to support his idea and explore deeper about how computer graphics related to art. After reading Jones’ article, I was able to understand why computer graphics sometimes can be viewed in an art form. I think the development of computer graphics actually provide a better way for artists to express their ideas to the audiences. Those computer graphics produce another type of delivery method to the audiences compared with photos or paintings.

In addition, from this artifact, I experienced how technology and games connected with art. I did play video games before, but I never thought about the relationship between video games with arts. I just viewed video games as a way to relax myself and refresh my mind. After reading Jones articles and watch the TED video, I started to think about the connection between video games and art. I think many video games can be viewed in an art way especially for those high graphic games. Also, I think that video games and art actually engage with each other and push each other with further development.

Learning Goals in The Future:

In the future, I will continually enhance my understanding of arts related to computer technology. I want to explore deeper about how art and computer technology engage with each other during game playing. Also, I want to improve my awareness of identifying art form in video games and know how those high graphic games show the meaning of art.


Jones, B. J. (1990). Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins. LEONARDO: Digital Image – Digital Cinema Supplemental Issue, pp. 21-30.

Porter, David (2013). The Arts, Science and Technology Fuse Together for Mutual Benefits. Retrieved from

Table of contents:

Main page of portfolio

Artifact #1: Life Value

Artifact #2: What is Art for?

Artifact #3: Is Food Art?

Artifact #4: The Art of Personal Adornment

Artifact #5: The Aesthetics of Horror

Artifact #6: Creative Spirituality

Artifact #7: Art, Technology, and Games

Artifact #8: Remixing Culture

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