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Personal Reflection Essay

According to my own values toward dressing, I believe different dressing will produce different feeling to me and other people. In my daily life, I will choose the style of dressing based on the places where I go or the events that I attend. When I go to school, my purpose of dressing is to make a comfortable feeling for myself. I will usually wear a shirt on the top and jeans on the bottom. Also, I will wear a hat and a pair of sunglasses during hot summer and a scarf and a pair of gloves during cold winter. In addition, most of the time of school days, I will not use make up. My belief behind my school dressing is that I believe a comfortable and leisure style of dressing will help me to be more concentrated on my study. Also, I think my dressing will let other students and professor feel comfortable. Sometimes, I will wear a watch on the right hand. In my value, I believe be on time is very important, no matter I attend a class or a meeting. I think go to class or meeting on time will produce positive attitude for myself and other people which will lead a more effective work. There will be a special time that I wear differently than usual which is presentation time. Every term, if I will make a presentation to the entire class, I will dress more professional like a office lady. I will wear black suit and a pair of high-heeled shoes. Also, I will use a little bit makeup. I think dress more professionally would show my attitude toward my presentation to other students and the professor. Also dressing professionally will provide a close-to-real situation for my presentation that I can have a real practice.

My dressing actually changed over time. The main reason for those changes is that I keep adjust my value all the time. I am international student and the culture and educational system are different in the U.S. The first thing I learnt after I arrived this country was how to adjust everything that I used to feel comfortable to match the new living environment. Almost everything in my daily needed to be change to allow myself study and live better in this new country such as culture, language, food, weather and the way of communication. Of course, one of the most biggest change is my dressing. In my high school in China, I was required to wear school uniforms all the time and I never thought about dress up and use makeup. However, after arrive the U.S, I can wear what I want to make myself feel comfortable. To other people, this change may just related to change daily clothes. But to my value, my attitude toward study and life actually changed that I started to study and live by myself not with my parents.

The values and beliefs of my family do affect my dressing and body adornment a lot, especially when I was small. During my high school year, my parents did not allow to have a long hair. According to the value of my family, they believed that long hair showed free and informal feeling which was not respectful in schools. Both my parents are professors in the university, my mother never allow her hair to become too long. Also, my parents never wear fashion style dress and in their value, professors must produce a positive images to the students that education is serious and both professors and students cannot wear what they want in campus.

In my peer community, I think the core beliefs and values are friendly, academicals, and career focused. There are many students living in my community and all of them want to be friendly to other people and want to be successful in their education and career life. Some of them, especially those business students, will dress in a fashion style which looks more formal. They want other people to feel their confidence and believe they can study and work very well. There are also some professors living in my community. They will also dress very professionally such as wearing a suit and other more formal clothes. I think the dress and body adornment reflect the value of my community and also reflect the value of different people in my community.

My value today actually become a combination which including value from my family, my education, my experience, my friends, and my living environment. I believe the core value of dressing will not change. However, I will keep making adjustments for my dressing to fit different situation that allow my dress and body adornment show my positive attitude toward work and life.


Unit 5 personal adornment discussion post

Individual 1

I saw a Chinese woman speaking Chinese on the phone on the street. She wore a pair of flat shoes and a large coat. she had a big belly and she did not makeup. I believe she is a pregnant and happy woman because from her face, I can see smiles and they never go away. In Chinese culture and my own value, pregnant mother cannot have makeup and never wear high shoes in order to protect them and their babies. Based on my value, almost every pregnant mother will wear a large and cute clothes everyday and everywhere. I feel she is around 30 years old because her wrinkle lines around her eyes are very light and her skin looks soft and white. There was a Bible in this woman’s hand. I think she is a Christian who would go to the church to pray for her baby to have a healthy and happy life. She always put her hand on her belly, so I believe she loves her baby very much and want to touch her baby all the time. I think the value of families are very important for her. I think the woman is a great Chinese mother. According to my own value, I will do the same thing for my future children, such as wearing large, soft and protective clothes, praying for my children and prohibiting all the dangerous actives.

Individual 2

I saw a male behaviorist prepare to work on the street. He had short and silver color hair. He painted all his clothes, pants and shoes into silver. He also wore a fashion and colorful sunglasses. He voice was husky. He first put a bowl on the street that had some cash inside. Then he played an active music. Following the music, he danced like a robot. I think each action of him looked like an artwork. I believe this is a very hard work for him, because in my value,  behaviorists will go on the street and act for a long time. So he must love his behaviorist career very much. Other than making money, I think he wanted to show his professional dance to the audiences. According to my own value, behaviorists can create art in their own form and express the meaning of art on creative ways.

Individual 3

I saw an middle-aged and attractive women walked fast to the other side of the street. She wore a white T-shirt, a bright necklace, a black medium short dress and a pair of high banded shoes. She hold some documents tightly. I believe the documents are very important. I believe she was waking ahead to her office. There was a tired expression on her face, so I think she was doing a lot of works today. I think she was a confident woman who worked very hard. In my value, a business women is confident and attractive. She has very beautiful woman’s shape and I think she had participated many social activities and she has many friends. According to my beliefs, an attractive and successful woman should always have confident smile on their face and she can support herself. She does not need to have beautiful face but she needs to keep her body shape good.


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