World of Art

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Unit 4 post Food is art

on October 23, 2013

After reading the article from Elizabeth Telfer, my thoughts and understanding of art were once again enriched. Elizabeth brought a very challengeable question that whether people view food and drinks as arts. To me, food can be viewed as an art. Food can be also made for visual purpose that can bring aesthetic value for people. Many artists use regular raw materials for preparing food to create beautiful art works for people to view. Some people may argue that those art works are not making for food purpose which is eating, they are making for showing or even celebrating. But those art works made by the same raw materials as food and they have the same taste as regular food. The main difference between regular food and art works is the way to create and make combinations. In the article, Elizabeth stated “Food properly so called is like wise often arranged or decorated in creative and attractive ways which constitute a visual work of art.” (Elizabeth, 14) When food was created and combined is an beautiful way which can attractive viewers and produce aesthetic value for them, food is becoming an art.

It recalled my memory of Dissanayake’s essay “What is Art for?”. In Dissanayake’s essay, she describe a theory that art is for life’s sake. She stated “I believe, by considering art in the broadest possible perspective–the palaeoanthropsychobiological view that I mentioned— as a universal need and propensity of the human species.” (Dissanayake, 21) She used a word called “palaeoanthropsychobiological” to represent art and she believed that art was made to satisfy human’s needs. I think this theory can best represents my view about food as an art. Food itself can satisfy people’s surviving needs. And people created an food art by using regular food materials to attract people and satisfy their aesthetic needs. When I see food, I will think about eating, but if I see an art made by food materials, I will think about art and beauty. When the needs changes, food can be viewed as an art.



1. Tefler, E. (2002). Food as Art. In Neill, A. & Riley, A. (eds.) Arguing About Art: Contemporary Philosophical Debates (2nd ed., Chap. 2). New York, NY: Routledge.


2. Dissanayake, E. (1991). What is art for? In K. C. Caroll (Ed.). Keynote adresses 1991 (NAEA Convention), (pp.15-26). Reston, VA: National Art Education Association.

10 Responses to “Unit 4 post Food is art”

  1. Vander says:

    I already commented on two others, but enjoyed reading your post. I also commented on your comment on (I think Jocelyn’s page?)

    In this post, you bring up a great point about the purpose of art. You indicate that it is often considered to be something one should view and assess for aesthetic value. You indicate how this complicates our understanding of food as art. Must the food be aesthetically pleasing in order to be art?

    This made me think about all mediums. The only common denominator I can come up with is that every piece of art involves the capturing of a moment. A painting can capture a moment for a long time, as can a photograph. A musical piece can be played again, but each note has its moment. A play too consists of its lines/very specific moments. All these products (painting, photograph, music, play) require attention to craft, science and their “moments” or experience. Perhaps one of the issues with food is the fact that it is a medium that is so perishable. As Telfer indicates, food cannot be passed on to future generations. Perhaps our reluctance to consider food as art better explains our need for art. Perhaps we have a problem connecting to and appreciating “moments” that are so fleeting. What do you think about this idea?

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