The Red Zone Sexual Violence Awareness Campaign 2020

Gallery post with multiple images of a teal blue background with white text. Text reads Content warning: sexual violence, domestic violence, intimate partner violence statistics.

Teal blue background with white text. Text reads the first six weeks of the school year have a heightened risk for sexual violence. This time is known as The Red Zone. The words the first six weeks are capitalized and underlined and the words the red zone are in larger red text.Teal blue background with white text. Text reads within the lgbtqia+ community, transgender folks and bisexual womxn face the most alarming rates of sexual violence. In small text at the bottom of the image it reads (human rights campaign, 2010)

Teal blue background with white text. Text reads trans people of color are even more likely to have been assaulted, native american (65%), multiracial (59%), middle eastern (58%), black (53%) respondents of the 2015 US transgender survey the most likely to have been assaulted in their lifetime. In small text at the bottom of the image it reads (U.S. transgender survey, 2015)

Teal blue background with white text. Text reads 83% of womxn with disabilities will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime. In small text at the bottom of the image it reads (disability justice, 2005)

Teal blue background with white text. Text reads people with intellectual disabilities are 7x more likely to experience rape or sexual assault than people without disabilities. In small text at the bottom of the image it reads (bureau of justice statistics, national crime victimization survey, special tabulation, 2011-2015)

Teal blue background with white text. Text reads 80% of rapes are committed by someone known to the victim. In small text at the bottom of the image it reads (department of justice, office of justice programs, bureau of justice statistics, national crime victimization survey, 2010-2016[2017])

Teal blue background with white text. Text reads 78% of american indian and alaska native womxn who identify as lesbian, bisexual, or two-spirit experience sexual violence in their lifetime. In small text at the bottom of the image it reads (Lehavot, K. Walters, K.L., & Simonim J.M. (2009). Abuse, mastery, and health among lesbian, bisexual, and two-spirit american indian and alaska native women. Cultural diversity and ethnic minority psychology).

Teal blue background with white text. Text reads Approximately 80% of womxn and 30% of men with developmental disabilities have been sexually assaulted. In small text at the bottom of the image it reads (Disability Justice, 2005)

Teal blue background with white text. Text reads 21% of trans and gender non-conforming college students have been sexually assaulted. In small text at the bottom of the image it reads (rape, abuse, and incest international network, 2015)

Teal blue background with white text. Text reads 1 in 5 womxn are sexually assaulted while in college. In small text at the bottom of the image it reads (National sexual violence resource center, 2007)

Teal blue background with white text. Text reads 1 in 16 men are sexually assaulted while in college. In small text at the bottom of the image it reads (National violence resource center, 2007)

Teal blue background with white text. Text reads 1 in 2 transgender individuals are sexually abused or sexually assaulted at some point in their lifetime. In small text at the bottom of the image it reads (Office for victims of crime, 2005)

Teal blue background with white text. Text reads sexual violence disproportionally impacts womxn of color, immigrant womxn, lgbtqia+ womxn, and disabled womxn. In small text at the bottom of the image it reads National organization for women, 2017)

Teal blue background with white text. Text reads 56.1% of american indian and alaska native womxn have experienced sexual violence in their lifetime. In small text at the bottom of the image it reads (NJI’s program of research on violence against american indian and alaska native women, 2013)

Teal blue background with white text. Text reads 50% of acts of sexual violence involve alcohol consumption by either the victim, the perpetrator, or both. In small text at the bottom of the image it reads (National institute on alcohol abuse and alcoholism)

Teal blue background with white text. Text reads 1 in 3 latinx women report experiencing sexual violence, as compared to multiracial non-latinx people. In small text at the bottom of the image it reads (National intimate partner and sexual violence survey, 2011)

A safe and affirming evironment for people of all genders at the University of Oregon.