All posts by Fatima Roohi Pervaiz

A Message from Fatima Roohi Pervaiz, UO Women’s Center Director, regarding Take Back the Night Rally, March and Speak Out Against Sexual and Domestic Violence:

Dear UO Campus Community,

After receiving guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, our Federal, State and Local Government as well as Senior Leadership of the University of Oregon and the Division of Student Life, it is with a sincerely heavy heart that I officially announce the cancellation of this year’s Take Back the Night Rally, March and Speak Out Against Sexual and Domestic Violence on April 30th starting at 6pm in the EMU Amphitheater.

Given the large number of attendees and the risks associated with the current COVID-19 pandemic, we must take every precaution to prevent the spread of the virus to the Campus Community and any vulnerable folks who may in turn be exposed.

Yet now more than ever as people are experiencing unprecedented levels of isolation due to social distancing and quarantines (possibly in the same home with their abusers), supporting Survivors of Sexual and Domestic Violence is essential. Olivia Rodriguez, the Women’s Center’s Sexual Violence Prevention and Education Coordinator, and I are working tirelessly to transform TBTN into a remote movement that continues to support survivors and amplify the voices of marginalized communities.

So although Take Back the Night as it has always been (with an in-person Rally, March and Speak Out) is officially canceled – we will still host a version of Take Back the Night at the end of April which will be digitally archived and saved for folks to view when and where it is safe for them to do so.

Please stay tuned for official updates on how and when to engage in this year’s transformed TBTN – and remember that the UO Women’s Center is committed to our trauma informed, student and survivor-centered, intersectional feminist, anti-oppression mission.

I am sincerely so sorry that this is where we have landed. But I assure you that we as a community will push through. We will do this because we are so resilient, so powerful and so worthy of the safety and loving support that Take Back the Night has always provided.

Any questions or concerns related to TBTN can be emailed to me at or Olivia at

For ‪24/7 confidential support and resources about sexual violence, please call 541.346.SAFE or visit

With Love and Solidarity,

Fatima Roohi Pervaiz

Unfortunately, beginning tomorrow 3/17/20, the UO Women’s Center must close.

“In order to promote social distancing to limit the spread of COVID-19, the Dean of Students (DOS) office is currently operating with reduced staffing levels and has transitioned to offering most services remotely. Thank you for your understanding and patience as together we work to sustain the health and well-being of our campus community.

We are committed to maintaining high-levels of support and resources for our students. During this time, our staff will continue to check and respond to voicemails and emails. DOS will also continue to offer crisis response drop-in hours remotely, Monday through Friday 9:00am to 4:00pm. If you need assistance, please call (541) 346-3216.”

Please know that you can reach Fatima (WC Director) at and Karyn (WC Administrative Program Assistant) at and that we are here for you.

Please take so much care. ❤️

Red Zone Sexual Violence Awareness Campaign!

THIS SUNDAY the Women’s Center and Volunteers will place 3,250 red flags on campus in the Condon Lawn off 13th that represent the number of students who, based on a university our size, will be harmed by sexual violence during the school year. The first six weeks of the school year have a heightened risk for sexual violence – this time is known as The Red Zone.

Please help us set up on Sunday, October 20th beginning at 12pm and tear down on Sunday, October 27th beginning at 12pm!

SIGN UPS: Red Zone Sign Ups

*Please note that all Volunteers will be required to sign a Volunteer Release Form in order to participate. Forms will be provided at the event.

Photo courtesy of @kaushalsapkotaphotography

Domestic Violence Awareness Month Toiletry Drive!

The WC has begun our annual Domestic Violence Awareness Month Toiletry Drive! Until November 8th we will be collecting toiletries and personal products to support survivors of dating and domestic violence as they transition to new lives. All donations will go directly to Womenspace, First Place Family Center, HIV Alliance as well as a new addition this year – Centro Latino Americano!

Please look for the purple bins around campus or stop into the Women’s Center in EMU 012 to donate!

We appreciate any assistance you can provide to support survivors of dating and domestic violence in our community.