Take Back the Night 2021 Rally Speakers – Johana // Katherine

The UO Women’s Center so proudly presents night two our Take Back the Night: A Remote Movement Against Sexual and Domestic Violence Virtual Rally!
Please join Johana Amani as she discusses the intersections of sexual and domestic violence particularly in regards to women and girls enduring the global refugee crisis, the impact of trauma on mental health, and how speaking up and seeking support after harm can help to begin one’s healing journey.
Next, join Katherine Wilson as she discusses the intersections of sexual and domestic violence and Indigenous Communities, campus sexual violence during her time at UO in the 1960s, and the significance of programs like Take Back the Night to allow Survivors to speak truth to power.
Resources for support will also be provided.
With Love and Solidarity, The UO Women’s Center.


LINK: tinyurl.com/UOTBTN21-Johana


LINK: tinyurl.com/UOTBTN21-Katherine