Take Back the Night 2021: A Remote Movement Against Sexual and Domestic Violence

Please join the UO Women’s Center April 26th-April 29th for “Take Back the Night 2021: A Remote Movement Against Sexual and Domestic Violence.”

Take Back the Night is a yearly international protest aimed at raising awareness about the realities of Sexual and Domestic Violence on campus and in the community, both for Survivors of Sexual and Domestic Violence and those who want to support and bear witness in solidarity.

  • Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Take Back the Night 2021 will be an entirely remote event. Monday-Thursday we will host Take Back the Night Virtual Rally Speakers with pre-recorded videos on Microsoft Stream (a platform which requires a UO ID to log in and view – a precaution for the personal safety and cultural sensitivity of our Speakers).
  • Virtual Rally Speakers will be representing the Latinx, Black, Refugee, Native American/Indigenous, Disabled, Asian, and LGBTQIA+ Communities and more.
  • Links to individual Rally Speaker videos will be posted on the Women’s Center’s website https://blogs.uoregon.edu/women, our Instagram (@uo_womenscenter) and our Facebook (UO Women’s Center) at 6pm each night.
  • Following the final Virtual Rally Speaker on Thursday, April 29th (the original night of Take Back the Night) will be a TBTN Virtual March on YouTube.
  • JOIN* Take Back the Night 2021 by submitting your Virtual March Posters to be featured in the Take Back the Night Virtual March slideshow on YouTube. Submit photos and sign UO Model Release Forms online via https://tinyurl.com/TBTNPoster2021. Deadline for submissions is April 26th  at 11:59 p.m.

Please stay tuned for additional information and updates on how to engage as a loving, affirming and supportive community. We are committed to making this happen once again to educate our campus community in an effort to prevent future harm and to show Survivors of Sexual and Domestic Violence that despite our distance, they ARE NOT ALONE. Please considering joining the movement.

Art by Kei Kort.

#TakeBackTheNight #SupportSurvivors #BelieveSurvivors #SAAM