Mixtec Cultural Heritage Preservation: Speaker

Please join us for a special presentation by Roberto Santos Pérez, Director of the Centro Cultural de Tlaxiaco, Oaxaca, Mexico.

“Radio Power: Rescuing Indigenous Heritage and Raising a Mixtec Cultural Center”

Monday, November 4, 2010 — 4:00–5:30 PM — Allen Hall 139

Roberto Santos (left) Doing Radio Work

The Cultural Center in Tlaxiaco sponsors a project called the “Archivo de la Palabra” (Archive of the Spoken Word), which involves recording and archiving oral traditions of Mixtec speakers. Radio programs are also aired in Mixtec and include the sharing of local lore.

The talk is being co-sponsored by Ethnic Studies, Education Studies, the Center for Latino/a and Latin American Studies, the Latin American Studies Program, the School of Journalism and Communications, and the Wired Humanities Projects (Knight Library and the Center for Advanced Technology in Education). For further information, please write Stephanie Wood (swood AT uoregon DOT edu), or call 541-346-5771.

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Independent Principal Investigator, Center for Equity Promotion, College of Education, University of Oregon. Historian with a specialization in the Nahua cultures and histories of Mexico, especially during the period 1520-1820.