
Kai’s Artifacts:

After undergoing the 4 lessons I learned how to program Edison to follow a line and avoid obstacles. I attached the code that avoids obstacles above. The code seemed really straight forward like the line tracking but we found that there was multiple ways someone could code Edison to avoid obstacles successfully. The height at which objects Edison did not like was anything at a shorter then itself.


Yogi’s Artifacts:

After learning the 4 lessons I am now able to program the Edison to follow the line Edison was able to follow my line except in one spot where the line was very curved. The robot kept missing the curve and catching the other part of the line and turned stupidly but then eventually followed back the line. Also, I then recognized that it also happens when there is not enough light in the room causing Edison not being able to detect the line well. However, after learning the 4 lesssons, I am now being able to program Edison to follow the line.


Sydney’s artifacts:

Callie’s artifacts:

After completing the 4 lessons I was able to program the Edison robot to drive and follow a line, sense obstacles, and turn left to turn and drive away from the obstacle. I found the trick to finding the correct sequencing in the code was following the instructions and building the code one step at a time. Part of the coding process is looking to find the “bugs” in the coding to work them out and get the program to work properly.



Emma’s artifacts:









After doing the 4 lessons, I was able to code my little Edison to follow alone the line and sense obstacles. I wanted to make sure that he would keep moving so I put it in a forever loop. My worry is obstacles will confuse my poor line bot. So I really only want him to follow the line. He should and if he gets off, he will hopefully spin until he finds a new line.