About Us

Mission Statement 

What do you think of when you hear “Computer science” or the word “technology”?

Our team took the time to ask students around the University of Oregon these questions and found a common trend:

“Super complex programs and robots” – Dylan Ritsch.

“The making of technology, like hardware, software and that other hard stuff” -Heather Lanney.

“I am more of a social science person, things like computer science and technology is beyond me” -J Eversburg. 

Ultimately, these concepts often intimidate people and poses as something too “complex” to begin with, or “beyond” what we do. This could not be further from the truth! Technology is everywhere and is no longer something “new,” as for computer science and its contributions to everyday life. This misconception also often discourages many educators within their classrooms. Our team, Buggies Debug, created a 4 sequence lesson plan with curriculum and resources to encourage and support educators to implement computer science skills into the classroom. Computer science skills are thought of being something so complex and different but in reality skills such as debugging can easily be compared to problem solving skills or ability to depict cause and effect relationships.



Meet Our Team!

All of this would not have been possible without these wonderful people and the mentoring of Dane.


Kaihana Soeury

Kai for short. Any Pronouns. 

Kai was proudly born and raised in Tacoma, Washington. Kai originally transferred as a sophomore from Tacoma Community College and is now a Senior at the University of Oregon. They are pursuing a Bachelors in Education Foundations and plan to undergo the UOTeach Program. Kai has not decided on what specific age they want teach, but they have the clear understanding that Education is the path for them.

Want to contact me?: Kaihanas@uoregon.edu (Email or Direct Message via Teams)



Callie West


Callie is a senior from Portland, Oregon majoring in Educational Foundations program at The University of Oregon and pursuing a Masters’s degree in Elementary Education. Callie transferred to the University of Oregon in Fall of 2022 from Mt. Hood Community College after graduating with an Associates in General Studies and Associates of Arts and is excited to graduate with their Bachelor’s degree this spring!




Yogi Khor


Yogi is from Hong Kong and am pursuing the educational foundation major with a minor in special education here in the University of Oregon. Yogi is planning to teach elementary school students in the future.

Want to Contact me?: ykhor@uoregon.edu





Sydney Dedrick


Sydney is a senior in the Educational Foundations program. She was born In Redmond OR but has been raised in Eugene since then. Sydney wants to stay in 

Oregon where she hopes to be teaching 3rd grade.







Emma Kirby


Emma is a  junior in Education Foundations from Sutherlin, Oregon. She is also in the  SPED certification program with a plan on becoming a special education teacher for 3rd grade and up.

Want to Contact me?: ekirby7@uoregon.edu

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