Homelessness Research

Homelessness and health: Integrating structural, social, and behavioral pathways

Our current NSF-funded research aims to develop a holistic understanding of the factors that drive variation in health among people experiencing homelessness in the United States. This work is a collaboration between Lesley Jo Weaver, Josh Snodgrass, and Zachary DuBois at the University of Oregon.

People experiencing homelessness endure high risks of illness and death across all categories, yet the specific pathways leading to variable health outcomes in this population are under-investigated. This project investigates the individual, community, and structural factors that shape health for people with who are or have recently been homeless. We aim to understand the nuanced ways that factors across these three levels of influence interact to affect specific vulnerabilities. To answer these questions, we compare experiences of people living with unsheltered homelessness and sheltered homelessness, and those who have transitioned into permanent supportive housing.

Media coverage

Our research has been featured by numerous regional news organizations including Portland-based KGW 8 NBC and KOIN 6 CBS, Eugene-based KEZI 9 ABC, KVAL 13 CBS, and KMTR 16 NBC and Ashland-based Daily Tidings. We were also highlighted in the University of Oregon’s Newsletter Around the O.

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