The relationship that women share with the restroom is perhaps a deeper and more personal one than that of men. This notion is especially true when talking about menstruating women, and the unique needs that they have while using the restroom; but equally true for any woman who understands the oppression they have faced in history for being a woman and having restroom needs, as Jenna suggests in her essay.  

Image 1: A reference to Jenna’s Essay about Women Senators not having a space to use the restroom

When I researched about the ergonomics of the toilet and found out about the lack of infrastructure that leaves about half our population without access to a flushable toilet, I also found out some of the negative implications of this on women. Having no access to a public restroom was proven to increase sexual assaults in places such as New Delhi India because of  women trying to use the restroom and being unable to find a private space to do so. I also found out about positives that emerged when the addition of a public toilet in rural areas meant that the retention rate of women students sky-rocketed and cases of rape dwindled to all time lows.

With the research I did, as well as the research my peers did, it is clear to see the power that restrooms have on a population of people. I am specifically talking about women and how the addition of restrooms has helped create a more equal platform for them in society. Women are better able to work and go to school without the fear and anxiety centered around finding an adequate place to meet their bodily needs. I spoke mostly about the woman’s experience around the restroom but I think it is important to note that access to private sanitary restrooms would benefit a large number of individuals. Furthermore, in the U.S we have the privilege of evaluating how a restroom functions on a broader cultural scale so that the experience can accommodate a diverse population. I hope to learn more about innovative ways restrooms can be designed to meet our ever changing needs.  




Jenna, Jenna. “Public Toilets and the Plight of Menstruating Women.” The Toilet. 2 Feb. 2021. Web. 13 Feb. 2021.

W, Micaela. “To Squat or Not to Squat: Culture and the Ergonomics in the Bathroom.” The Toilet. 25 Jan. 2021. Web. 13 Feb. 2021.