Waterfront Planning and Design

The Waterfront

The waterfront is a part of a town or an area that is next to water. This unique interface provides a myriad of opportunities for innovative, sustainable land use and development, regenerative design, urban/natural resiliency, habitat restoration, and resource/energy conservation.

Case Studies

Green Cities Site Visit with Amanda D’Souza, October 15, 2022. (Photo by James Mayer)

Eugene Downtown Riverfront

A major transformation of Eugene’s Downtown Riverfront is underway, fulfilling the community’s long-held goal of turning a vacant, inaccessible riverfront lot into a vibrant, active, and accessible riverfront district and community destination. Fall Green Cities students will visit this site and be provided an overview by City of Eugene Business Development Analyst Amanda D’Souza. The City Downtown Riverfront webpage is at https://www.eugene-or.gov/3506/Downtown-Riverfront and the Riverfront Park Plaza webpage is at https://engage.eugene-or.gov/plaza

Ribera de Chapala

The International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP) has recently conducted an Urban Planning Advisory Team project to study and make recommendations for Lake Chapala, Jalisco, Mexico. Green Cities students will research and publish a report on waterfront design and planning relevant to this world-class site. The ISOCARP Ribera de Chapala website is at https://chapalaupat.wordpress.com/

Ribera de Chapala International Planning Workshop Report

Portland Downtown Riverfront and Willamette Falls Legacy Project

The Portland Downtown Riverfront and Willamette Falls Legacy Project are undergoing extensive revitalization efforts through public-private partnerships and tribal administration respectively. Summer Green Cities students visited these sites. The OMSI Master plan is at https://omsi.edu/sites/default/files/u92/OMSI%20Master%20Plan%20%28as%20of%2017.09.28%29.compressed_v2.pdf The Willamette Falls Legacy Project website is at https://www.willamettefallslegacy.org/

University of Oregon North Waterfront

The University of Oregon owns a large waterfront site that is currently undergoing land use planning and development. The University of Oregon Riverfront Vision Plan is at https://cpfm.uoregon.edu/sites/cpfm2.uoregon.edu/files/asuo_riverfront_vision_plan.pdf

Waterfront Planning and Design Report

The Waterfront Planning and Design report was compiled by students in the 2022 Green Cities course and has more than 700 implementation actions and 800 references. This report is a work in progress and will be updated to include more graphics, implementation actions (recommendations), and materials from associated organizations.

2023-01-29 Waterfront Planning and Design