A Trip Overview

I’ve been home for almost five days now and never imagined I would learn so much. Before this trip, I had only ever biked shorter distances for fun, but never for convenience. Now, I can confidently say that I want to incorporate cycling as a method of transportation into my daily life. Being a previously inexperienced biker, I feel proud that I biked almost a marathon a day, and was still able to enjoy my my free time exploring each city’s culture. My favorite days were spent biking through the Danish countryside. I had never seen towns so whimsical. The cobblestoned streets and pastel houses looked like a scene in a fairytale. I loved only relying on my bike for transportation for a large majority of the trip. It gave me a whole new understanding of self-sufficiency. Now being back, I wish I could simply hop on my bike and go to work. These experiences gave me hope for what the future of the U.S. can look like. Bike policy implementation would have a positive impact on people’s well-being and on creating a greener future. 
The presenters, tours, and professionals were all amazing teachers. The professional panels were some of my favorite moments of the trip. Everyone has genuinely interesting jobs and is doing crucial work to improve our cities. I also appreciate the other students in the class. My peers brought something unique to the class and we cultivated a supportive community. Listening to everyone’s project during the final presentations was another one of my favorite moments (even on zoom ;)). I will always hold the lessons I learned and the friendships I made on this trip near and dear to my heart. Every moment and every person taught me something valuable. Now, I can imagine possible future careers for myself and can picture a hopeful future for the US.
This is Miffy “Nijntje”: The Iconic Dutch character who I love. 
Miffy greeting card from Pink & Greene.
(Image from “Miffy On A Bike,” Pink and Green).