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In the bustling town of Eugene, a young and ambitious real estate agent named Ling Ling Zhu sets out to redefine community building and support. When Ling Ling began her major in sociology at University of Oregon, she didn’t know what she wanted to do since all she knew was that she wanted to help people and society but didn’t know how to. In college she learned about people and groups where she noticed a gap between societal problems, disparities of people and communities. With no concrete actions, she wanted to do something about it. Getting a job at the leasing office near Autzen stadium where there was human interaction, became a turning point and realized she enjoyed this. Delving into her career, primally educating first-time home buyers going to make the biggest financial decision of their lives, like buying their own house or just curiosity about the local market, she faced not only external challenges but internal ones as well. Self-motivation and work-life balance became crucial obstacles like running her own schedule, answering calls late at night, unprofessionalism, and prioritizing them over her mental health. By learning to set boundaries and putting priority on herself, she has more self-respect where she can maintain a work-life balance. “It is okay to not know what you want to do but be open to possibilities that come your way and don’t let your insecurities get in the way to get into your dreams.” Her biggest regret looking back was feeling unconfident in succeeding and holding back insecurities. She now aspires to create financial stability to give back to her family and community. Her vision includes buying an apartment complex and providing homes for children without one. “In the near future, I want to have enough money to give back to the community and help kids that don’t have homes.” Realizing there being a lot of disparities of people in wealth, Ling Ling hopes to financially guide her clients, seeing the entire process happen, and build meaningful relationships. Her self-discovery journey embodies the growth from uncertainty to empowerment, proving the possibilities and addressing personal challenges can lead to an impactful life.