Government Response, Epidemiology, and Impacted Communities in New York during the Coronavirus Pandemic

Presenter(s): Angelique Wallmann—International Studies, French

Co-Presenter(s): Amelia Hardeman, Hannah Heskin

Faculty Mentor(s): Kristin Yarris

Session 2: US Outbreak Breakout—COVID-19 Research

During this unprecedented time of global health crisis, Covid-19 has impacted each state in the United States differently . A lack of guidance from the federal government has allowed state governments to develop varying responses to the crisis bringing individual results . New York has quickly become the epicenter for the disease in the US, because of this, I have chosen to follow the state-level response to Covid-19 in New York as part of the INTL Field Experience: GH Crisis course this term . My project uses social media to share and analyze important information related to disease epidemiology, government response through policies, and impacted communities . This research is ongoing as the crisis continues to unfold, at this time focus is being given to how and when the New York state government will begin to prepare for a transition out of emergency response to Covid-19 .

Los Angeles County Response to COVID-19

Presenter(s): Myriah Kunipo-Aguirre—Human Physiology

Co-Presenter(s): Hannah Heskin, Amelia Hardeman, Angelique Wallman

Faculty Mentor(s): Kristin Yarris

Session 2: US Outbreak Breakout—COVID-19 Research

I am currently in Dr . Yarris’s global health field experience class this Spring and our focus is the current global pandemic and public health crisis . For my project, I focus on California’s response to COVID-19, with a focus on Los Angeles County . I have chosen Los Angeles because my hometown is in the county and where I am currently at during this time . Also, the population of about 10 million makes it the third-largest metropolitan economy in the US In a flash our world went digital, online, remote, and technology is at the forefront of our lives more than ever . I decided to incorporate technology and turned to the classic social media platform . I have started a twitter page where I am curating together information/ resources regarding COVID-19 in Los Angeles County, using data from the county department of public health and the mayor’s office, as well as other official government sites . The twitter page allows me to quickly link articles or videos and short blurbs on information and I add my own analysis of current news using curated threads and tweets . The main topics I focus my project on are overall state, county, and city response (policies, mandates), community resources (food banks, financial assistance), and impact on industry and economy (sports, tourism) . While COVID related news can seem overwhelming, my project aims to create an accessible, organized reference for others in my community or people in my personal network to follow .

Novel Coronavirus Outbreak and State Level Response, a Case Study of Oregon

Presenter(s): Hannah Heskin—Human Physiology

Co-Presenter(s): Myriah Kunipo-Aguirre, Amelia Hardeman, Angelique Wallmann

Faculty Mentor(s): Kristin Yarris

Session 2: US Outbreak Breakout—COVID-19 Research

As a student in INTL410: Global Health Crisis, I want to present a case study of Oregon during the COVID-19 pandemic . I will be investigating, what is the epidemiological profile of the novel coronavirus outbreak in Oregon and what has been the state-level response to the COVID-19 pandemic? Epidemiological data displaying the prevalence and location of COVID-19 cases in Oregon will be complied from several public health resources . Additionally, a timeline of the governor’s response to the coronavirus pandemic will be constructed with information from public records and published news sources . Specifically, policies regarding social distancing measures, collaboration with public health authorities, obtainment and distribution of resources, economic relief legislation, and future plans to lift social distancing restrictions will be investigated . An Instagram account (@ covid19_in_oregon) will be used to track the research from this project and present it to a wider audience . This analysis of governor driven response to the novel coronavirus outbreak in Oregon is significant because it outlines policy successes and failures that could be considered for the next public health crisis .

Colorado’s Government and Public Health Response to COVID-19

Presenter(s): Amelia Hardeman—Human Physiology

Co-Presenter(s): Myriah Kunipo-Aguirre, Hannah Heskin, Angelique Wallman

Faculty Mentor(s): Kristin Yarris

Session 2: US Outbreak Breakout—COVID-19 Research

I am currently enrolled in the course titled Field Experience: Global Crisis with Dr . Kristin Yarris . This research project aims to track the response of the State of Colorado through the state’s government and local Public Health perspective . I will track and analyze the government’s response through
Gov . Jared Polis’ policies and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment’s data and recommendations, perspectives from frontline health care workers, and the public’s response to these policies and recommendations ultimately leading to the amount of cases and deaths . I will have direct conversations with front line health care workers discussing their perspectives on the state’s response as well as the public’s response . All data and interviews will be compiled into a Podcast to share the information and perspectives on Colorado’s response to COVID-19 as a whole .