Presenter(s): Franklin Smith
Faculty Mentor(s): Ramakrishnan DurairajanÂ
Oral Session 2 C
With an emerging rise of Dev Ops technology like Docker and other application containers comes an underlying challenge that has been plaguing the computer industry for years, how to efficiently learn and use the technology in a timely manner. Most users are tired of long and meaningless online tutorials and videos which shove irrelevant information down the throat of the consumer. I have solved this problem by programming a shell script that automates the dev ops process with docker while allowing the user to interact and choose where, what, and how they would like to learn about the technology. With a computer execution run time of 2-3 minutes, one can now learn to: set up their docker environment; build an image and run as one container; scale their application to run multiple containers; distribute their application across a cluster; stack their services by adding a back end database; and deploy their application to production.