Effects of Metformin on pro- and anti-angiogenic factor secretion by placental trophoblast cells

Presenter: Susan Capoccia

Mentor: Jeffrey Gilbert

AM Poster Presentation

Poster 7

Maternal endothelial dysfunction, a primary characteristic of hypertension during preeclampsia is thought to arise from excess production of anti-angiogenic factors such as soluble fms-like tyrosine-1 (Sflt-1) and soluble endoglin (sEng), by the ischemic placenta. We and others have reported increased levels of sFlt-1 and sEng in rats with reduced uteroplacental perfusion pressure (RUPP) -induced hypertension and in preeclampsia. While our lab has recently found administration of an adenosine monophosphate kinase (AMPK) pathway agonist restores VEGF levels in the RUPP rats and attenuates angiogenic imbalance, the exact mechanism underlying this observation remains unclear. We hypothesize that stimulating the AMPK pathway via metformin (MET) will attenuate hypoxia- induced increases in sEng and sFlt-1 and promote VEGF secretion. Placental cells were incubated at 20% O2, physiological normoxic 8% O2 and hypoxic 1.5% O2, and treated with MET at 0mM, 50mM and 500mM for 12 and 24 hour periods. Our findings show MET increased VEGF and sENG in JEG cells at all O2 concentrations. sEng levels increased in the hypoxic JAR cells compared to 20 % O2 and 8% O2 and MET decreased these levels. Further studies will determine if the placental MET induced AMPK signaling pathways are similar to those in skeletal muscle. Although MET had differential effects on placental cells, the overall ratio of angiogenic factors may be restored, leading to angiogenic balance and relief of endothelial dysfunction via stimulation of the AMPK pathway.

Synthesis of a Water-Soluble Macrocyclic Iron-Phosphine Complex

Presenter : Aditya Nathan

Mentor : Bryan Nell

Major : Biochemistry

Poster 7

Although society is progressing towards increased dependency on alternative sources of energy, natural gas remains as the one of the most relied upon sources of energy. A major contaminant of natural gas is dinitrogen. Our research focuses on the synthesis and characterization of a water-soluble macrocyclic iron-phosphine complex that is capable of reversibly binding dinitrogen. Our intended method for developing such a complex involves a multistep process beginning with a template synthesis, which involves the coordina- tion of open-chain phosphine ligands to a transition metal atom (specifically Ni(II), Pd(II), or Pt(II) for the sake of square planar geom- etry). Subsequently, the components would be linked/bridged together using base and an alpha/omega dihalide to form the macrocycle. The complex would then be demetallated using cyanide ion or a sulfide source and subsequently coordinated to Fe(II). In order to confer the complex with water-solubility, we plan on adding water-soluble functional groups to the side chains of the macrocycle. Thus far, we have been able to synthesize and characterize key intermediate complexes that serve as the precursor for the macrocycles. In addition, we have investigated methods for macrocyclizing the intermediate complexes.

Heat Gain is Not Retained

Presenter: Haley Davis

Co-Presenters: Robert Kiesler, Matthew Decker

Mentor: Alison Kwok

Poster: 7

Major: Architecture 

It is our responsibility at the University of Oregon to build buildings on our campus that do not require massive heating and cooling because it utilizes nonrenewable resources and costs the school a lot of money. During winter term 2014 we studied the John E. Jaqua Center for student-athletes to determine whether it is possible to have a fully-glazed facade that does not result in significant heat gains and losses. The John Jaqua Center, designed by ZGF Architects in Portland and completed in 2010, is one of the first large-scale double glass facade systems in the Pacific Northwest. The building is 40,000 square feet and has a facade made of 85% glass (ZGF Architects, 2010). Theoretically, temperature swings are controlled by the buffer that the five-foot air gap in the double glass cavity provides. This study focuses on testing the effectiveness of this system at regulating temperatures inside the Center to determine whether the double glass facade is a viable solution as a thermal barrier in the Pacific Northwest’s mild climatic variations. We have determined that this facade system is not functioning effectively and thus is resulting in high heating and cooling costs for the building. At this point we have concluded our primary research, but we are interested in continuing these studies in the future to generate a more comprehensive report that can be presenting to the university to ensure these types of inefficient buildings are not built again on our campus.

The Next Chapter in Life: Ethnic Diversity and Its Impact on Students

Presenter: Jessica Cantu

Mentors: Lamia Karim and Rupa Pillai, Anthropology

Poster: 7

Major: General Social Science 

How does ethnic diversity on campus influence students when deciding on schools? Ethnic diversity is the difference among groups of people based on their race, language, religion, and culture; it is an important factor to study since it influences how individuals chose college communities. This study is a single term project, aimed to investigate what types of students consider ethnic diversity as an important factor when applying to college. In order to answer this question, I interviewed two students studying at College X (urban, more ethnically diverse) and College Y (European, less ethnically diverse). I also conducted a survey on campus with 30 students, 15 who were Caucasian and 15 Non- Caucasian to find out how relevant diversity was in their college decision. My research shows the importance of demographics and the affect it has on diversity among college applicants. It was determined that Non-Caucasians strive to attended campuses with a greater amount of ethnic diversity, whereas Caucasians are less likely to consider the level of ethnic diversity a campus has to offer. These results indicate the need to bring awareness about ethnic diversity, and the benefits that can come from attending a diverse campus.

The Influence of Climate Change on 15 Native Plant Species Phenology and Range Shifts in Mediterranean Climate Prairies within the Pacific Northwest

Presenter: Justin Culman

Co-Presenters: Kassandra McIntyre, Kaitlin Loomis, Olivia Somhegyi, Jacob Hyman

Faculty Mentor: Peg Boulay, Lauren Hendricks

Presentation Type: Poster 7

Primary Research Area: Science

Major: Environmental Science and Geography

Changes in the seasonal timing of flowering plant species (phenology) and species geographic distribution (range shifts) within the Mediterranean climate of the Pacific Northwest are related to changes in climate patterns. This change in flowering phenology affects prairie community composition and ecosystem function. Since climate influences the range of individual native plant species, understanding the effects of climate change is important to determine potential shifts in species dynamics. We examined how climate change variables affect the phenology of plants through a field experiment conducted at an upland prairie site at Willow Creek Conservation Area on 15 native plant species, both forbs and grasses. The variables included an increase in temperature (+2.5–3.0 °C) and a “drought” measurement (a drainage run-off system of 40% of the precipitation over each plot). As measures of the rate of phenology for each plant species, we used the time of visible germination, seedlings and flowering measures. We conducted a Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) analysis to measure the photosynthetic activity as an indicator of primary productivity using a four-factorial ANOVA. We also examined Pollinator surveys that recorded numbers and species groups of pollinators to understand their influences on phenology and productivity. We anticipate our findings will demonstrate that both heating and drought conditions change the timing of phenology compared to the control group. The overall study demonstrates how climate change will dramatically alter the ecosystem dynamics and relationships of plants, pollinators, and other organisms, which should be addressed as an important environmental issue.

New Geomyoidea from the Miocene Cave Basin Fauna of Oregon

Presenter(s): Megan Wyatt − Biology, Earth Sciences

Faculty Mentor(s): Samantha Hopkins

Poster 7

Research Area: Natural Science

Oregon contains a rich fossil record of Miocene flora and fauna, giving us a glimpse into complex ecological interactions in deep time. The Mascall Formation of central Oregon is one of the best-preserved middle Miocene mammal assemblages in the Northwest. Past work on the Mascall fauna has found a rich carnivore and large herbivore fauna, but studies have yet to reveal which small mammals lived there during the Miocene. Recent screen washing efforts by the vertebrate paleontology lab at the University of Oregon have discovered a large small mammal assemblage in the Cave Basin region of central Oregon, which, when identified, will reveal a previously unknown part of the intricate ecosystem that existed in Oregon 17.5 to 15 million years ago. In studying the geomyoids (gophers and pocket mice), I have identified three different genera of rodents including Perognathus, Harrymys, and Mojavemys, and there are likely other genera within the superfamily Geomyoidea in this collection. I can use measurements and variations of molar enamel cusp patterns to identify them to a species level. However, observation and two-dimensional measurements are often inadequate for distinguishing Perognathus interspecies variation. Researchers have quantified species variation in other rodent lineages including voles and pocket gophers, using geometric morphometrics. I propose to use this method to identify these geomyoid molars. Species identification for these teeth will provide a baseline for future research of Oregon Miocene faunal ecology and be one step closer to understanding these ecological interactions.

Adipocyte-Specific p85a Overexpression in Mice: Insight into Type-II Diabetes Pathogenesis

Presenter(s): Shawn Melendy

Faculty Mentor(s): Carrie McCurdy & Byron Hetrick

Poster 7

Session: Sciences

Type 2 Diabetes is an increasingly prevalent disease worldwide that is partially caused by a progressive loss of insulin response in adipose tissue and skeletal muscle, two essential insulin target tissues. The class 1A phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K) plays a central role in the insulin signal transduction cascade, as it controls the first point of signal propagation. It has been previously shown that the PI3K regulatory subunits (p85α/p55α/p50α) are upregulated in adipose tissue from high-fat diet (HFD) fed obese mice, concurrent with insulin resistance. Obese, insulin resistant adipose tissue is also characterized by chronic, low grade inflammation. This elevated inflammation attenuates signaling through the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway contributing to insulin resistance. The objective of this study is to determine how adipocyte specific overexpression of p85α affects insulin signaling in adipose tissue, independent of obesity. We have generated a lean mouse model designed to overexpress p85α in an adipocyte- specific manner, and measured insulin response in white adipose tissue (WAT) via Simple Western probing for phosphorylated Akt (pAkt). No significant difference in pAkt has been observed compared to wild-type, though the data trends towards increased signaling in p85α overexpressing (OX) mice. Additionally, p85α OX mice show no significant change in insulin sensitivity, as observed by an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). These results prompt the need for further validation of the overexpression of p85α in the transgenic mice. Future work will include measuring WAT p85α abundance via Simple Western, p85α transcript abundance via RT- qPCR, and detecting the presence of the p85α-inserted transgene with PCR.