Role of the Media in Micronesia’s Climate Change Activism

Presenter(s): Lauralei Singsank − Political Science, General Music

Faculty Mentor(s): Mark Carey

Poster 185

Research Area: Natural Science

Climate refugees are those who have been displaced from their homes for reasons relating to climate (floods, rising sea levels, etc.). This presentation focuses on climate refugees in Micronesia and their media presence. Micronesians have utilized the political atmospheres of other countries to further their causes. An important example is Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner, a Marshallese poet activist who presented a spoken poem to the 2014 United Nations Climate Summit. By utilizing her platform to increase empathy rather than using statistics or facts, Jetnil-Kijiner furthered her cause of raising awareness of climate change’s effects in Micronesia. The sources used in this presentation include scientific studies on climate change, scholarly articles addressing its effects in Micronesia, and media sources from Micronesian advocates. Videos by Jetnil-Kijiner and other activists will serve as primary sources. By examining how Micronesian citizens and those of Micronesian descent present their causes in the media, this presentation emphasizes the importance of increasing empathy to the effects of climate change alongside scientific facts. Audiences react more strongly to emotional pleas than scientific when presented by those suffering the effects of climate change. By appealing to audience’s pathos rather than logos, Micronesian climate activists raise awareness about their challenges with climate change.