Relieving Ukrainian Energy Reliance on Russia: Working with Wind for Prosperity to Encourage Energy Reform and Support New Relations with Western Europe

Presenter: Priscilla Sol

Faculty Mentor: Patricia Curtin

Presentation Type: Poster 38

Primary Research Area: Social Science

Major: English, French

The ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia following the 2014 invasion of Crimea and other eastern Ukrainian territories has garnered attention and interest throughout the world. This project utilizes tenets of Public Diplomacy to strategically target problems of Ukrainian energy supply and dependence, and to help the country continue its gradual divestment from Russian resources. Through cooperation between Wind for Prosperity—a program which connects with investors and builds wind turbine mini-grids in rural locations—the US State Department, and federal and local governments in Ukraine, citizens will have access to reliable renewable energy and economic ties with Western Europe will be strengthened.

The first section of this project is a white paper establishing political, social, and economic history in Ukraine and clarifying the context for a renewable energy project. The second section is the strategic plan for the project which includes: overall goals, analyses of audience reception, long term objectives, strategies for garnering attention and support, and actual on-the-ground tactics to be implemented.

Ukraine is struggling to maintain its sovereignty over its people and territory. This project intends to support the movement towards economic independence from Russia, foster citizen involvement in developing renewable resources, and provide for energy needs in rural regions of Southern Ukraine.